Chapter 12: We need to talk about Tom

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13th May 1938

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13th May 1938

Billy Stubbs has been crying all day.

At first I felt bad but now I want to stuff his flour sack teddy bear into his mouth to shut him up. He's been crying buckets all day, his rabbit, Mopsy disappeared. Nobody knows where it went. Amy and Dennis accused me and Lucy of doing something to it. Eric accused Margaret of using it in her stew for dinner that night. I don't think it was Margaret and it wasn't us either.

Tom has been very quiet lately. He and Billy had an argument the day before, now Mopsy is missing. Everyone is scared to say anything to Tom. I don't want to point fingers but Tom is not saying anything to me either.

Poor Billy.

They found his rabbit.

Poor Mopsy.

They found the little rabbit hanging by the rafters.

At least Robbie found him instead of Billy. It was around bedtime. Robbie claims if someone went up to the top floor earlier in the day, the rabbit could've been saved but no one did.

I wonder how it got up there.

Cordelia stared at the diary entry in front of her for an hour. Dinner had ended three hours ago but the search for Mopsy carried on. The letters and words were in her handwriting but the date and events were all wrong but most of all, she didn't even recall writing those words. Those words had appeared like the other entries, without any cause or reasoning. She was sure she was going mad.

Quickly, she shoved the diary back into its hiding spot and came out of her room. The second and bottom floor were filled with children scouring for one single rabbit. Each too busy to look at another.

"Mopsy!" Lucy shouted, dropping to the floor and tilting her head to the side to look under a bookshelf on the second floor.

Across the hall, a few other children were shouting that stupid rabbit's name. "Mopsy!" They shouted. "Mopsy where are you?" They yelled out as if a silly rabbit could even answer their calls.

Cordelia pretended to search the curtains near the stairs while keeping an eye on the others. What was supposed to be a search until lunch had taken more time than anticipated. The search was momentarily called off for lunch and dinner, much to Billy's anger. He had cried and cried that he didn't want to abandon his poor rabbit for a meal he didn't have any appetite for, only to be told to shut up by the twins and Fran who were really starting to dislike Billy and Cordelia didn't blame them.

"Mopsy!" They cried out again as Cordelia pulled the curtains on the setting sun. The sky outside had darkened already and the clock downstairs screamed loudly signalling the change in time. "Mopsy! Where are you!"

Everyone was so busy searching for that damned rabbit that no one even noticed her. Cordelia slipped away unnoticed. Her footsteps were light and barely audible as she climbed up the steps to the third floor almost in a trance-like state. Nobody followed her. Nobody noticed her.

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