||~🔫The News🔫~||

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"If it's the only way of stopping the war than..I will accept the deal." I said. "Dear, you don't have to if you don't want to." The queen said, "No.. It's alright I'll do it. I just don't know how Genya will react t this." I said while thinking of Genyas reaction once I tell him. "We don't know how Muichiro will react to it either, but I know they will accept it if it's for the war to stop." The king had said trying to reassure me that it will be okay. "Your still a young king, so it's best if you take thing slow. We will also try helping once the war between our kingdoms are over." Both the king and queen said while finishing each others sentences. "Thank you. May the Mist kingdom be in forever glory." I said while bowing down to show my respect to them. "Thank you aswell! May the Wind kingdom have a glorious reign!" The queen and king both said while bowing. "I guess this is our leave now. We will see each other soon. But during than, please take care of yourself." The queen said to me. "Thank you your Majesty." I said. And with that, we both left. Got on our carriages and went back to our respected homes. And that was it.

Muichiro POV:

I was just in my office finish some work I needed to finish asap, and once I was done, I roamed the castle looking for what to do. Than, a guard came running up to me and said "Crown prince Muichiro! I have been looking all over for you. His Majesty and her Highness have returned from their trip, they both want to talk to you in person." The guard was still panting. "Alright thank you for telling me! You can also take a break, you seem tired." I said with a smile trying to soothe them. "T-thank you!" He than said while still trying to get their breathing back to normal. I left the guard and went to the throne room where my parents were. I wonder what they want to talk to me about..

I shortly arrived at the throne room. And when the guards opened the door for me, I saw my parents sitting in their throne, talking. And by the look on their faces, they were nervous about something. I think I will be figuring it out now. "Greetings to the star of our kingdom. May the King and Queen be forever glorious." I said while bowing. "Muichiro honey, you don't need to act formal with us!" Mother said. "Oh alright." I replied. "Well we have some good news and bad news for you." Father said. "May I hear the good news first?" I asked politely as I could. "The good news is that we have a way to stop the war between the Wind and Mist kingdoms." Father said. "What's the bad news?" I asked them. "Uhhh the bad news is that you will be getting engaged with the crown prince of the Wind kingdom to do so..." Mother said with her voice trembling. "What?! Mother I understand that we have to do this but why marriage?! I haven't met him yet.." I said trying to fight back. "I'm sorry honey but we already agreed on this, there's no turning back. Do you want to do it?" My mom said. "...Fine I'll do it. When am I meeting him?" I said finally agreeing. "We will be sending you to the Wind kingdom in a week, and they will prepare your room for you so there's no need to bring any of those. Just bring your clothes and other such things you will be needing." My dad said. "Alright, thank you for telling me. I will take my leave now. May the King and Queen of the Mist kingdom be victorious." I said and then left to my room. I don't know what I am going to do about this. There is no going back, maybe I might like him.. I just have to see.

Genya POV:

It had been 2 days since Nemi left. I think he may be coming back today or so. While I was walking in the courtyard, getting some fresh air when a guard came up to me and said "Prince Genya, His Majesty Kimg Sanemi is calling for you immediately, he would like to talk to you about something." "Alright I will be there. Thank you for telling me." I said. And the guard bowed down and left. I went to the throne room where my brother would be in. The guards opened the door and I saw Nemi sitting in the throne seat. I went up to where he was and said "Greetings to theMajesty of the Wind." While bowing to show my respect. He nodded which meant I could get up. "You came late but that's fine. I called you here because I want to talk to you about something important." He than proceeded with talking. "I have some news. I will start with the good news, I found a way to stop the war but there is a cost to this.." he said while sighing. "Well what is the bad news?" I asked him questioned. "You will be marrying the Mist kingdoms Crowned prince. I know you won't like it but your gonna have to suck it up!" He than said. "What?! Your making me marry someone I don't know?!" I said while fighting back. "Like I said, your going to suck it up! The deal has been made and he's coming in a week to meet you so act your best towards him and make him feel comfortable." "Fine..." I said in defeat. "Good." With that I just left and went to my room. I wanted to calm down and take all of this in. I just hope he isn't rude or anything, he might also be my type. I have heard some people in the kingdom talk about the prince. They say he was small for his age and his features are somewhat adorable yet beautiful. I don't know if this is true but I'll find out next week about him.

||~🔫☁️Forced Marriage🔫☁️~||Genmui Fanfiction|| DISCONTINUED||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang