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"Don't do this."
Tubbo warned his friend as he stepped back. Tommy clenched his jaw as he placed the final lapis edging to the altar.
"You'll kill Ghostbur Tommy. Besides who knows what Wilbur will be like once he's here-"
Tommy's hands shook.

"Just shut up!"
He snapped before realising what he said. He turned to Tubbo.
"I'm sorry mate. I'm sorry I just..."
He swallowed his tears and cleared his throat. Tubbo shook his head, crossed arms.
"No Tommy. I won't be a part of this."

"He's my brother!"
"He betrayed you! He tricked you! That will never change if anything all that he'll has done for that man is made him into more of a monster than he was!"
Tommy grabbed Tubbo by the collar and lifted him off his feet, hand raised.
"Don't you dare call him that."
He hissed before throwing his friend onto the ground.

Tubbo wiped the dirt off his face before standing up. He breathed in slowly.
"Fine, but I won't stand here and watch you ruin your kingdom."
Tommy traced his thumb over the engravings of the leather book, ignoring his best friend's footsteps receding.
This better not be for nothing.

The massive display of blue and gold curled into the air with a single stand, ready for the opened book.
"It holds great power."
The very power Dre-... he had told Tommy was possible. The very power that had saved Tommy's predecessor from being killed.

A cold air rushed passed Tommy toward the altar. A figure moved in and out of vision with a transparent yellow shirt and red beanie.
"~Hi Tommy~"
A faint smile on the ghost's face appeared. Tommy smiled back, knowing in the back of his mind he would never see the friendly phantom again.
Is it worth it?

"Are you ready Ghostbur?"
His dark eyes shifted to Tommy's side. Tommy could see the blue sheep patiently waiting next to him, oblivious to what was about to happen to his best friend.
The ghostly being nodded his head.
"~I trust you~"
Tommy motioned for his soldiers to begin the process. He placed the leather book down which began to glow a golden hue.
His black eyes began to widen. Tommy shifted backward as the altar began to glow.

A scream rippled form his transparent friend.
He betrayed you!
Tommy watched in horror as the glow become brighter and brighter, the figure in the centre shifting violently.
He tricked you!
"What am I doing?"
Tommy realised, reaching blindly into the light. He desperately grabbed at the air trying to save his friend.

A cry rang out from the ghost of his brother. Again he reached into the blistering light.
His heart was in a mess and his hand was slowly getting burned from the light.

The light suddenly dimmed into the crippled figure on the ground if the altar. His greyish face lifted to reveal blue streaks from his black eyes to his chin. He quivered, still shifting in and out of vision.

Before Tommy could move to help him a pillar of bright light erupted from Ghostbur. Tommy was lurched back. His head smacked against a rock, the world went hazy.
The pillar of light hummed with power, beating down into where the altar was.

Tommy grabbed his robe and covered his eyes.
What have I done?!
His head was pounding and the heat waved over him.
As quickly as it happened, the pillar evaporated and the land was still again. It took his eyes some time to adjust. The altar stood and the book, still glowing, seemed untouched by the powerful heat of the light.
Was that...magic?

Another figure swayed where Ghostbur once stood. Tommy looked around at his soldiers. All had been blast away or...vaporised. The figure straightened their brown coat. Tommy scrambled onto his feet and unlatched the Axe of Peace. He shuffled foward before his foot touched something soft.

Under his boot he saw the bloody blue fur.
The rubble piled on top of the sheep...
He bit his tears back and focused on the new figure. The man turned his head in Tommy's direction. A sly grin trailed his face.
"Well well, long time no see brother."

Tommy's legs gave up under him.
His widened at the sight.
What have I done?
Wilbur rolled his eyes and pulled Tommy off the floor. He playfully flicked the crown on his younger brother's head.
"King? Glad to see you glowed up. Come on Your Highness, how about you show me your kingdom,"

The tall man flicked his white streaked hair out of his face,
"And while you do that how about finding me a cig too?"
Tommy held his head high and reminded himself that the plan had worked, that his big brother was back and alive.
"Yes, sorry for my manners."
Tommy wiped his tears and desperately blocked out the memory of Ghostbur's sullen face.
"Welcome back brother, let's get you to the palace to get washed up."

As he was getting guided away from the scene, Wilbur glanced back at the altar. His grin faltered and a flicker of something rushed through his eyes. Again he looked away and placed his playful facade back on. He would deal with that when the time came ,if it ever, although he knew better than to doubt her.

The duo hadn't noticed as they went home the still glowing book. Tommy had forgotten it on the altar. The pages flew open and again began to glow the familiar golden colour.
The final page turned.
And a single hand shot out.

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