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“Alex Thayer.”

Ace growled a snarl, a snarl of the pure monstrous beast within. The natural gold on his eyes changed hue – blackness extended and took over them. The talon-like teeth elongated, Ace felt the sharpening graze against the skin of his bottom lip. They burned with the need to rip and kill. His grip on the glass tightened immediately, the crystallized shatters convulsed over his arm and the vodka which had inhabited his mouth not long ago was now gone. Slowly, he turned his neck to meet gazes with whoever had dared to call him by that name.

“I go by Ace now.” He darkly muttered as he glanced at the woman. With one quick whiff, he had identified her class. Her scent reeked of witch. No, not any witch. Luna Lamia – a spell caster and soul salvage so powerful, legend saysone has the ability to influence the world’s four elements; earth, wind, fire, and water in just a snap of a finger.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood as he felt her presence beside him. Dark magic roamed the air, sending a chill towards him. The beast within gnarled damn witch, he thought.

“I’m not here to discuss your name preference. I am here because I need your services.” Her voice was filled with authority – but Ace did not miss the thread of anger beneath her words. He turned, finally coming face to face with the one behind the shrill. He’d be shocked at her outer appearance if he hadn’t seen too much of the world in just a matter of years. Yet nothing could cause a tinge of bewilderment for him any longer. He’d grown use to embrace the paranormal encounters that surrounded this earth, and most of Pennsylvania.

Her raven black hair flew long behind her back, beneath the waist. The pale, white skin appeared as smooth as any luna lamia’s but Ace was no fool. He knew behind the fake enchantments was a three century year old wench. She wore a black gown, her black lips thinned and by the narrow in her crystal blue eyes, Ace realized how hard it was for her to ask for help … his help.

Ace couldn’t help it. He laughed. “If you so much as believe I offer help, you’ve got the wrong man witch.” He spat the name. Her species was a curse, a disgrace. Ace snorted at his mental remark. How hypocritical. His curse, now that was something worse – it was a disease, a plague. It goes around attacking every being in its way.

Her jaw tightened. She took two slow strides, coming to be mere inches from him. He killed for space and privacy and right now, she was invading his. But nevertheless he will never back away from a challenge. He stared at her with the same smirk and intensity as he saw in her eyes. She looked away. But when her face turned, Ace met cold dead eyes. She raised her hand and soon, a blood red claw disappeared inside his chest. He’d taken silver, bullet, stakes, swords but nothing had prepared him for the cold metallic poison dripping from her claw and traveling into his veins. His body twitched. His eyes rolled and soon they’d be out of their sockets. Finding the control, he’d manage to minimize the cold pain but with this … his eyes blackened again and Ace wanted nothing more but to stab her with his own talons and twist her insides. But he was in a room full of humans.

With a harsh breath, he chocked. “Let’s speak privately.”

She smiled and finally released her stab. He cursed as he smelled his blood on her finger. The witch – noticing his gaze– stared down at the blood which trailed slowly down her thin finger and before it could hit the wooden floor boards, she licked the red. Her pupils turned his color, gold almost as soon as she swallowed his liquid.

Alpha.” She ragged and hummed with delight.

Ace followed behind as she guided him towards a closed door. She raised her hand close but not enough to touch the object. The door rattled opened. She stepped inside and as Ace completed the same movement, the door closed behind them.

Not bothering to beat around the bush. Ace spoke. “Now, what is it you need?” The witch licked her lips and sighed from euphoria. Her eyes hooded and Ace noted the black aura. She longed for power.

“You know, I’ve never tasted blood so powerful. The taste of a pure alpha, strong and masculine.” She nodded. “Yes alpha indeed.”

Ace frowned. “Witch I run solo. I’d be damned to run a pack.” The witch hesitated. Her fingers drummed on the table next to her. Her posture tensed but immediately eased back.

“Yes. But you have the genes of an alpha no doubt. And a very good hunter that is, that is why I need … you.” She breathed. Curiosity seeped over Ace. He raised his eyebrows for her to continue. He followed her every move and when a strand of golden mane appeared on her hand, Ace was more than curious as to why she needed his supposed services.  

“I need you to track someone down for me.” Now the witch had his attention. Others would always ask for the same, it was something he’d grown accustomed to. But her?


“A human.”

Hell. He tracks vampires, werewolves, witches, trackers but a human in particular? No. He would never risk entangling a human into his world. He opened his mouth to decline because there is no way in hell he would go with her preposition. But she spoke before he even had the chance.

“For now that is.”

Ace sighed. “Fledgling?”

“Not even that. Of course she’ll get to that stage in a matter of weeks. That is why I need you to find her before she notes the symptoms. She doesn’t know what she is yet, so I’m assuming it’d be an easy prey for someone as experienced as yourself?”

“She?” Ace questioned. Most of his prey’s were male, but he would never underestimate the powers of a female fledgling.

“Her name is Eliza Ward and these are your instructions. You will find her, swipe fluids, and when the time comes – you will bring her to me before her change. I want her beheaded. And you will be the one to do the honors.”

“And what will I get in return?” Ace shrugged.

“Your curse gone.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2013 ⏰

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