4 - First Days of Yuuei

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A new year, a new day.

That meant today was going to be boring.

"Okay class," Ikoma-sensei said. "We have a new addition to our school, so please welcome your new classmate." The woman beckoned towards the door. "It's alright, you can come in now."

You didn't glance up from your book. They'd probably be another, as your brother would say, fucking extra.

But curiosity betrayed you as you briefly looked up and noticed the other girls were swooning. You rolled your eyes before, holy shit-

"Holy shit," you said aloud. Everyone turned toward you and you flushed in embarrassment. "I-I meant it in a good way!" The spiky white-haired, turquoise-eyed boy had also flushed red while various classmates were trying to stifle their laughs.

"Bakugou-chan!" Ikoma-sensei scolded you. "Please refrain from cursing, especially around your classmates."

"Yes, Ikoma-sensei," you mumbled as you put your head on your desk before placing your open book over your head.

"Ah, can you please introduce yourself?" Ikoma-sensei asked the new student, who looked at his shoes nervously.

"Um, my name is Todoroki Isamu," the boy said quietly. If he was any quieter, you might not have heard him.

'For someone with a name that means courage, he's pretty timid,' you thought to yourself.

"Please take care of me," Isamu finished as he gave a slight, and quick, bow.

The rest of the class went by fairly smoothly.

Girls swooned over Isamu, the boys tried to become friends with him, etc.

Then came recess.

As usual, you sat under the shade of a tree with your current book, a romance novel you borrowed from Katsuki.

Age-appropriate, of course. He'd never allow you to read something that would corrupt your innocence.

"What are you reading?" you looked up to see Isamu crouching to your level, he was probably a few centimeters shorter than you.

"Polaris," you answered. "It's about two soulmates who can hear each other only when they sing. Except the guy doesn't do that."

"Oh," was all he said. You noticed him struggling with finding something to say, so you spoke up for him.

"You're Todoroki Enji's son, right?" Isamu tensed up but nodded. "Okay, cool." You went back to reading your book, Isamu was slightly confused that you weren't making a big deal out of it as others would.

"Aren't you going to make a big deal out of it?" he asked quietly, causing you to look into his turquoise eyes.

"Do you want me to?"

"Not really."

"Then I won't."

"Thank you."

And that was the start of your friendship with Todoroki Isamu.

It was the end of school and it was time for parents/guardians to pick up their child/children.

You sat on the swings, as you usually did, but this time, Isamu sat on the swing to your right.

"So, how old are you?" you asked. "I'm turning six next month."

"That's cool," Isamu commented. "I'm going to be six soon too. But way later."

You nodded in acknowledgment before changing the subject. "What's your quirk? I call mine firework. I sweat nitroglycerin like my Okaa-san, but my quirk is almost exactly like my Nii-san. He sweats nitroglycerin in his hands and can ignite it on command, making them look like explosions, but mine looks more like fireworks and the color depends on how I'm feeling. Here, I'll show you."

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