2 - Trauma at Six

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Life was hard for a kindergartener.

It didn't help that all the other kids were so much bigger than you, so much stupider. Thus you were ultimately picked on due to your size and superior intelligence.

That was until Katsuki started to pick you up from school.


You sat on a swing, legs rocking back and forth with slight impatience as you waited for your big brother to finally retrieve you from this Kindergarten nightmare. You were growing impatient because today was a very important day, one that will not come again any time soon.

That's because today was when the new line of pro-hero action figures was being sold, and you wanted to buy all of them.

Again, 'action figures' and not 'toys'.

Toys were for babies.

You do want to buy all of them, but only have enough money for one. So let's hope you're able to get the All Might one.

Your first choice to take you would have been Mitsuki, but she had to stay overtime with Masaru for this big project at work.

That was when Katsuki said he would take you, saying that it's "better than hanging out with some two-bit extras" and "had better to do".

It wasn't hard to realize that those weren't exactly truths. A person doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out Katsuki was wrapped around your little finger.

You also noticed how Katsuki cursed less around you.

You're not stupid, but you're not going to take advantage of him like that. You don't want it biting you in the ass when you're older.

"Oi, squirt, let's go," Katsuki said gruffly and you hopped off the swing, a small cloud of dust forming from your impact to the ground.

You scurried over to your brother's side and the two of you started walking to the closest store selling the action figures.

Once the two of you turned the corner of your school, you placed your smaller hand in Katsuki's bigger one, which he didn't push away.



"What do you think the re-co-men-da-tion exam is like?" you asked, slowly pronouncing the large word to get it right. "For the ones who're not going through the regular one, like you."

"They probably don't do anything," Katsuki grumbled and then gave you a smug smile. "Unlike me, who will get in because I'm that awesome."

"Yeah!" you agreed with a grin. "You're going to prove you're awesome and show them that you don't need a re-co-men-da-tion!"

"That's right, you little brat."

"I'm always right, you big jerk." You stuck your tongue out at him and he did the same.

"Sure," he said with a hint of sarcasm but didn't say anything as you saw the store just ahead. Already a small crowd was starting to form.

"Ah, there it is!" you exclaimed as you started to walk faster.

The two of you finally made it inside the store, the AC hitting like a truck, but you paid no mind to it. You only had action figures on your mind.

"Which one are you getting?" Katsuki asked as the aisle was already starting to get crowded.

"All Might!" you answered. Katsuki scanned the aisle until he located the All Might figure and let out a small huff.

"Okay, stay right here," he pointed to where the two of you were currently, which was in front of the book aisle and was not crowded. "I'll get the to-, action figure, and then let's pay and get out of here."

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