Chapter 8 - 'Please....'

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Ochako's face was drenched in tears as she used all of her mana to heal Izuku and save his life

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Ochako's face was drenched in tears as she used all of her mana to heal Izuku and save his life. She didn't spare an ounce of her mana, if she had to use her life mana to save the Duchess's life, she would and she did. Mei ran out towards the garden and her heart dropped at the sight, her body trembled as the sight of the Duchess's dying body lying on the ground as her friend tried to save him registered into her mind. She ran to Ochako and Izuku who was on the ground bleeding out and surrounded by Ochako's dense pink mana. Ochako's forehead beaded with sweat as more sweat dripped down her forehead and down her face. Mei used her mana to surround the Duchess as the rest of the mages ran out doing the same. Ochako's vision blurred as her body swayed and fell to the ground. Tenya who had ran out hearing the commotion, got to her at the correct time. He held her close as he tried to wake her up but she was completely drained.

Katsuki was in no shape to even react let alone be a Commander. The guilt of it all was eating him up. Shoto was no different. His mind was so fogged with the guilt and realisation of what he did. Izuku's words rang in his head. The Duchess was right, the prejudice of the Midoriya family they had, lead them to jumping to conclusion so very quickly and not question any information they recieved. They tried to justify it that they had proof but they never bothered to further investigate it. Tenya picked Ochako up carrying the girl inside to warm her cold body and take care of her. Mana depletion was really not good and Ochako used her life mana to try and save the Duchess which was more damaging to a person's life span. But he knew that trying to get Ochako to not try everything to save the Duchess would be a pointless argument. He had grown to see how much the brunette adored the greenette and he didn't want to object her from anything, he wanted her happy and she was happy with Izuku as her bestfriend.

The mages along with Mei somehow managed to stop the bleeding from the neck and the chest but the greenette had lost so much blood that all the colour in his body had been drained out. Out of the 16 mages and Mei, 5 of them dropped to the ground from using so much of their mana to try and save the Duchess. The knights helped to take the mages to the infirmary and Katsuki with utter caution picked up Izuku in his arms taking him inside the castle. Katsuki laid him in their bed as he gently cleaned the wounds and the blood off of his mate's body. The turmoil of guilt, failure and self hatred brimming him. The mages need time to rest and regain their strength and mana to heal Izuku. He changed Izuku out of his now torn dress and put his white night gown onto him. He laid down beside him as his tears finally flowed. His guilt, remorse, self hatred, the turmoil of hurting his own mate all washed over him and he let himself feel all of it. He sobbed looking at the pale dull face of his mate. He couldn't believe what he did. He couldn't believe how he almost killed his mate, he couldn't believe that he let himself do that.

"How could I not trust him?" Katsuki asked in a broken voice.

"How could you let that happen?!" Dynamight growled loudly making Katsuki flinch. He already felt horrible but being blamed by his own Alpha as well was just the last of it all. He broke down sobbing as he buried his face in the pillow to muffle his loud sobs.

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