chapter 3

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In the playground

"where do they think their gonna sit" Avery said

"give me the table charts" Meredith demanded

she rubbed her teeth with her washed finger and went up to the four girls

"hi guys i am Meridith student body president, i saw you looking lost so i thought i would want to help" she said lieing

" oh thanks but i think we are good" Yasmin said moving along with the other girls

"but it is no problem" said Meridith who stopped them from going any further"i have the seating charts right here" she pointed at them

"well thanks but i would rather want us to sit together" we all nodded and moved along

"but there is really not a table for that" Meridith said stopping them again

"its ok i am sure we will find somewhere to sit" Meridith must have blown up then but still she kept it together

"but the lunch courtyard isn't made that way" Meridith saw by the corner of her eyes quin Cameron and Avery watching very closely

"oh don't worry we will find somewhere" Yasmin continued

for once Meridith let them go but she new what was going to happen which was the reason to let them go

"what was that bout" jade says in the distance"

"Kay" said Meridith standing there in the same spot

Meridith sat back at the table and death stared quin who was staring at them

"what are you looking at" she didn't look happy

"they are awesome" quin was in trouble

"ugh" said Meredith

"i mean awesome ful - awful, their clothes? yuck and they are really super awful.............. to look at" she backed herself up

"what are we gonna do about them" Avery questioned

"i tell you what we are gonna do" Meridith turned around " nothing" which was weird for Meridith to say "you see my system is flawless"

she turned back to face the girls

"hey. hey jade" Dexter said (the science boy)

"look" Meridith said

"come here look at this radical theorem, you will absolutely dig it" he called

"later" jade said running of


"hey Sasha come sit with us" the cheer leading team called out

"bye guys"

"bye Sasha"

"hey Cloe come check this out" the goalie for soccer held up a soccer shirt

"oh my god" Cloe went of

"oh sure"

all that was left was poor Yasmin she looked around at her happy friends and sat down at a table by herself

"you see" Meridith said "we have no problems at all"


"jade, i am stuck babysitting come and hang out" Yasmin said through the computer "papi made your favorite Matzo aIbondigas."

"i have mathletics" she said

"next week?"


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