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I think accessories are very important, like they kind of add a little more difference and spices things up a bit and, more rather, shows what your favorite stylist are! I've always liked the creepy cute kind of things, dark and rufflie, and I love all the geeky stuff out there as well! So for this chapter I'm going to show you guys some great websites of where you can buy some things and show you all my favorite accessories, some I have and some I don't but I'm working on a collection. Also, tell you how you can make your own that I've found out how to make myself. Let's start!

I won't bore you with commentary for all of them but I will say somethings about some of the websites just to give you a good idea about the site before you click it if the website is a little odd.


^There are hair extensions in the website just above and there are wigs, for those of you who like that kind of stuff!

^And that's for all of my cyber goths out there. I'm thinking of buying some for myself just because the dreads seem like LOADS of fun. (So if there is anybody out there with cyber goth dreads, please comment of what they are like, I will love you forever!)


^This website ALONE should give you wonderful necklaces. I love them all! If I could I would buy at least half of them.


^As you can tell with the website just above, I love the things from Etsy, they have a lot of things that work for just about everybody and they are all so cute!


That will be all for the shopping websites that I like. Also there will be an upload on this chapter at some point, as soon as I find more awesome websites. I didn't really look at the prices though, so please don't yell at me??

If you didn't like anything here, Ebay. Ebay sells just about anything.

And no I don't get paid for this, I just want to help everybody who is getting into goth because I know how hard it was for me to get started. I'm still replacing my wardrobe, I mean, you can never have too many gothic clothes right? THEY ARE ALL SO FABULOUS.

So please comment and tell me what you want me to write next AND YET AGAIN I will be uploading a new chapter soon and it's about something that I just can't stop talking about sometimes and that's the past about goths. It is a sub-culture so it's always good to know about it, even if it's just a little. Also if you have any websites that you like and think they should be on this list then leave a link in the comments!

Thanks for reading, lovlies!

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