"How could I forget?"

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"So I found a black and gold globe, and a tan one. For lamps I was thinking of this one." Loki pushed the screen over to him. "Then the one below it for the desk. And change all the bulbs to LED."
"The globes are nice. We could get both. Each a different size. We'll get three of the big lamps and two desktop ones." He added everything to the cart before sliding the screen back over to Loki.
"Find any good posters?"
"Define good? All of them were inaccurate. Or the quality was trash."  Anthony sighed. It was to be expected Amazon couldn't have everything. "It might do us some good if we tried looking on a site that is primarily for aesthetics."
"That should have been the first thing we did. What about the maps?"
"I did find some good ones." Loki moved over to sit beside him so they didn't need to keep sliding back screens. "This tan one would match the globe. Then there's this one that looks like it would be in an elementary classroom."
"Let's get the tan one. Oh my gods, is that a lunar cycle map? Add that to the cart, Anthony."
Anthony chuckled but did as told. "Do you want to get a constellation chart too?"
"We could paint the ceiling!"
"As much as that sounds like a good idea, it would clash with the rest of the room. Like collide with."
"Fine, we'll get the poster." So they scrolled until they found one that pleased them both. Even though Anthony wouldn't have to be the one sleeping in the room.
"Is that all we need from Amazon?"
Loki turned thoughtful. "I think so. I can't think of anything else. Place the order, I'll start looking for an aesthetic site." Anthony nodded and started jumping through the hoops to place the massive order. It did cost a lot so he wasn't surprised they thought it wasn't him.
"Etsy seems to have everything else we need. The artists here are truly gifted."
"Are you sure? I know a few artists that could-"
"Of course I'm sure. And it's always a good thing to help out small creators. So even if it comes out bad they have the money to do better for the next person."
Anthony looked at the man beside him with the curiosity and bewilderment of a child. But he was also just stunned into silence. It was quite the surprise to hear that from Loki. To hear that sentence come from his mouth.
'Never thought I'd hear myself say that. Am I that shallow?'
"Look at these drawings! Even Bragi would be jealous of this. We have to get this Anthony." He was pulled from his thoughts by Loki's excitement.
"Add them to the cart. Add whatever you want." He smiled at Loki's joy. And was content to just watch the man.
"Oh! What's the budget?"
Anthony raised his brow. "Do you need one?"
    "Well we did spend a lot on Amazon. Thought you might, you know what to pace me this time. Plus I've been adding every single item I like."
"$200 then." Anthony watched as Loki filtered his searches. A small smile formed. 'You could spend 1000 dollars and I'd buy everything.'
  'Ooooo this one looks nice and the reviews are good. They even sell bookmarks. I like the way this one is set up.'
"Look at this painting." Loki showed the other man the painting. It was black and had white lines all over it.
"Sometimes I dont get art."
"What don't you get? It's someone crying."
"I still don't see it."
Loki rolled his eyes. "It's made with just one line so I can see how you're confused."
"Look at the one below it."
Dead white roses within a skull.  "Good eye Anthony." Loki continued to look through artworks with the occasional comment from Anthony. "I was hoping to see something a bit more....morbid."
"Morbid? Im sorry what Loki?"
"Morbid. Blood, gore, someone getting mutilated or like a creepy doll.  Something!"
"Well, aren't you dark?"
Loki chuckled embarrassingly. "One thing that wont change. No matter what. I'll always be twisted."
Anthony turned to look at the god. "That's a good thing. Where's the fun in being straight?" It took a second for what he said to process. He wanted to laugh and crawl up into a corner and cry at the same time.
"Oh is that right?" Loki smirked. "I've been here for months and have yet to ask whether you're gay or not?"
Both men were blushing. And both men thanked gods that neither mentioned it. "I'm bisexual. Don't tell the media though. Gods only know what they'll make up."
Lokis eyebrows shot up. He was a little surprised. 'I thought he would for sure laugh it off. Or just say he was straight. Interesting.'
"Are you..."
"Yeah. Bisexual and gender fluid."
"You don't have to answer but what was it like being gender fluid and bisexual in Asgard?" Anthony was genuinely interested in what the god would say.
"It was annoying and hard. With my temper and violent tendencies it was even harder. Every time someone whispered or even said something to my face I wanted to set them ablaze." Loki closed a tab and opened a new one. "Set them alight like my anger."
"Guess I shouldn't be surprised. Or I guess I shouldn't have had my hopes up."
"Yeah. Does anyone on your team know?"
"Bruce. And probably Natasha, she did spy on me. So she probably told Steve and Clint if she really does know."
"Thank you for telling me that, Anthony." The sincerity that shone in his eyes was something he had not seen in a very long time. 'It's been far too long.'
"Thank you as well." They smiled at each other and went back to scrolling through Etsy.
Loki laughed nervously. "Eh, Anthony, I know you said the budget was 200 but I really want these bookmarks." He showed him the lunar bookmarks. There were twelve total but they were all sold separately.
"And theres also these as well, they cost that much because they're hand carved. But that just means they're made with love. And all of them are good quality."
Anthony rolled his eyes. "You don't have to plead your case. You can get as many as you need. And when you check out use this card and get express shipping."
Loki furrowed his brows. "Are you sure? That's a lot of money."
"Loki, I'm literally a billionaire. With more than enough money to spare. Get what you want."
"How could I forget?" It wasn't said sarcastically at all. Loki had actually let it slip his mind. "That's not one of the things that I think about when I'm with you."
Anthony smiled. "I'm glad. It's almost past 6. I'm gonna order some food. What you got a taste for?"
"Anything but Mexican food unless its carne asadas."
"Double the amount that I eat?"
"Sir, the food has arrived. Might I suggest getting it before someone else does." That someone being Deadpool.
Anthony looked at the sleeping figure on the couch. "Right." He had forgotten how much the actual food cost so he grabbed a $100 bill and walked out of the room.
At the door Deadpool was trying to get the food from the delivery person. It was quite entertaining to see. And that's exactly why Anthony ordered Mexican food. He wanted to see DPs reaction.
Anthony was about to round the corner when it dawned on him that he still wasn't in his body. 'If the delivery boy saw him he might scream and go running to officials.'
"J.A.R.V.I.S can you tell Deadpool to go away discreetly, while I go get Loki." J.A.R.V.I.S affirmed.
"Spider-Man, Mr.Wilson requires your presence." Anthony smirked as he heard Deadpool run off.
"I'm sorry about that sir, Mr. Stark will be here soon."
Back in the room Anthony was shaking Loki awake. "Wake up, idiot. You have to get the food!" Loki mumbled and pushed him away. So Anthony bent down next to Loki's ear. "WAKE UP!"
The god scrambled to sit up. Dagger in hand ready to fight. Anthony disregarded the dagger and pulled the god up by his outstretched arm.
"Go.Get. Our food." Then pushed him to the door. "Here's the money."
"Wait what? Hold on." Anthony ignored the man and continued to push him toward the entrance.
With one last shove toward the door he watched Loki stumble toward the delivery person.
  "Mr. Stark."
Anthony watched with bated breath as the groggy man just stood there. 'Give him the money, god the food is getting cold!'
"Uh, Mr.Stark?" The boy tapped his shoulder.
"Huh, oh yeah, the money." Loki checked his pockets for the bill ANthony had given him all the while Anthony was wishing he had just did it himself.
'The bill is in your freakin hand!'
"Oh! Here you go. Sorry I'm a bit tired."
"Thank you sir." The young man gladly took the hundred dollar bill. "You should get some sleep Mr.Stark."
Loki chuckled. "Yes of course." He took the food and waved the delivery boy goodbye.
"How fuckin tired are you?"
Loki slightly flinched away."Lower your volume."
"Whatever, come on, let's go back to the room and eat."
Loki sat down on the couch and opened the to-go container. "You got me steak tacos!"
"That woke you up."
Loki hummed happily. "How long was I out?"
"An hour. So how are you feeling?" Anthony asked tentatively.
"Good, and you?"
"I'm fine." Silence fell over them again. All you could hear was the silent crunching of food.
Loki sighed. "What is it Anthony?"
"I'm as much a genius as you, ask me your question."
"Promise me you wont get mad first." Loki rolled his eyes but promised. "Are you anywhere near solving our problem?"
Loki held back the urge to laugh. "Should have asked me not to lie."
"Please don't." They locked eyes.
"I wasn't. It was a joke." He sighed. "It's coming along. For reference I could transport the compound and everyone in it to Japan. Or make dormant volcanoes erupt."
"You're not funny." Anthony giggled.
"That wasn't a joke Anthony. I could do it. At full strength I could burn the world." This conversation was heading down a dark alley. And they were both interested to see what was at the end of it, a light or more darkness?
"Why didn't you before?"
"1.Mind control. 2.I didn't have a reason."
"So you have a reason now?"
"We all have one Anthony." His appetite a little lost due to the conversation Loki put the container on the coffee table in front of him. "What would cause you to spiral?"
The glare Loki received surprised him. He hadn't expected such a heated look. "I hit my limit." He looked at the god expectedly.
Loki sighed heavily. "If something were to result in their death, I'd burn the world to the ground for them."
'Why would I say that? I'm not even sure what that means?!'
Anthony's brows shot up in surprise. He was so speechless his jaw dropped open. 'He cares about his team that much?'
Loki smirked at his stupor. "Why must we always ask each other such things?"
"How long?"
"How much longer?"
"Probably another month. That should be enough for me to switch us back. Theoretically of course."
"Possibilities if this doesn't work?"
"Uhhhh, we die. We stay the same. We share a body and mind. That's all I got."
"Wow. I feel so much better." He rolled his eyes.
"You asked. I answered. Besides, there's no reason it shouldn't work. In a feat to reassure him Loki smiled sweetly. "How much do you trust me? How much do you trust my team? I assume it has to be a lot because of how much time we've spent together."
"Shockingly more than Rogers."
"The Captain, why him?"
"He stabbed me in the fucking chest with his shield then left me for dead. In the cold. All alone."
'How pathetic.' Loki thought. He couldn't stop himself from thinking about it.THough he wasn't calling Anthony pathetic but the way he looked. In his body. He hated seeing himself like that.
"Knowing he could have killed you?"
"Yeah. I'm on better terms with Barnes than him. Which surprised everyone."
"Does it surprise you?"
"Oh no. After looking back at everything I understand why." He laughed bitterly. "You know he never apologized. Barnes did. Hell he still does occasionally. But Steve never once even tried."
"That's... fucked up. I mean he almost killed you. Though I'm sure you gave them a run for their money."
"You think I had the upper hand against two super soldiers."
"In 1v1 I'm positive you could have won. So yes, if you fought how I think you did."
Anthony crossed his arms and laid back against the couch. "How do you think I fought?"
"I think you fought them 1 on 1 so the fight was always even. But it didn't work because you were fighting to super soldiers. Which isn't fair in the slightest."
"Have you seen the memory?"
"Alas no. But it doesn't take a genius to figure it out. I will say this though, they are cowards for fighting you."
"How so?"
Loki scoffed. "Thats not a real question is it?" He stared at him waiting for the beat to drop. "Gods you're serious. How many times do we have to say it out loud? They fought someone that wasn't really an enemy that didn't have superpowers. Cowards."
"I see. But what was Bucky supposed to do? Laydown and die like a dog?"
"No. He could fight. Sure. It was his battle. But with that being said what the fuck did Steve Rogers have to do with it? Why did he have to fight too?"
"Oh that's right. He didn't. Steve Rogers will always have a hero complex because of how he came up."
"You're right."
"But you already knew all of this, Anthony. Why have you never brought it up?"
This time Anthony scoffed. "How could I? It would cause a fight. And I dont have the time or energy for it."
"It baffles me every time." Loki sighed. "I pray that after all this, what we have made remains. That even after one of us betrays the other. After we move back out. After everything. "
"Why is that, Loki?"
"Because you and I are too alike to be apart."

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