Chapter 22

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Lindsey found himself in the middle of Stevie's living room, a gaggle of screaming children running around giddily. He and his family arrived not long ago for their kids' band performance this afternoon. Luckily, Stevie convinced Mick and his family to come along, as well as the parents of William and Lily's other friends in the band. The welcome distraction of extra people ensured that Stevie, Lindsey, Dave, and Kristen didn't find themselves in some awkward double date-like situation. And Lindsey was really grateful for that.

"Twenty minutes until showtime!" Lily announced with a laugh before disappearing into the other room sneakily behind William and their two friends.

Stevie's eyes met Lindsey's from across the room with an amused smile and shrug. He grinned back, but before he could make his way over to her, Kristen grabbed his arm asking him to take Stella while she ran to the bathroom. Ever since their Landslide kiss on the first night of tour, Kristen had been on high alert for any and every interaction between Stevie and Lindsey—and it didn't go unnoticed by her husband.

"Stella, sweetie, do you want a COOKIE," Stevie grinned, approaching Lindsey who held the toddler in his arms.

"Wow look at all the SUGAR on that," Lindsey groaned eyeing up the height of icing.

Stevie laughed, "Oh, don't be a grumpy old man, live a little!"

"When she's bouncing off the walls tonight, you can come sit with her then," he teased.

She laughed, handing the three-year-old a pink frosted cookie, which she happily took into her hands. "That's fine, you know I'm up anyway. We would have fun hanging out, wouldn't we Stella girl?" She cooed, twisting the girl's curls in her fingers.

"You're a bad influence."

"Only sometimes," she smiled back at him with a wink, her voice lower now.

He shook his head with a laugh, unable to mask the stupid giant grin taking over his face now. They both attempted to look serious again up as Kristen made her way towards them.

"Oh god, Lindsey, why did you give her that?" Kristen groaned seeing Stella with the cookie.


"Sorry Kristen, that was all me!" Stevie interrupted before Lindsey could get a word in, "Lindsey already yelled at me for pumping the kids with too much sugar today."

Kristen eyed Stevie, attempting to keep her cool and fake a smile, "It's just that with three, it's a LOT. I'm sure you can imagine the craziness."

Stevie nodded, "I'm sure it is. I don't know how you do it. No more sweets today, I promise!"

She offered another fake smile before making her way back over to Dave, who stood in deep conversation with Mick and his wife. Lindsey watched as she slipped her arm around the man's body before sitting down beside him. She looked happy, and he had to be happy for that.

"OKAY WE'RE READY!!!!" William yelled from behind a makeshift curtain that Stevie had set up for the kids mini stage.

"Okay, we'll take our seats out here," Stevie cheered back, offering a smile to the other parents in the room who quietly took their spots for the show.

The four kids started with an original song they created at music school, standing up there in their matching outfits - each with their own instrument playing slightly off-key and out of tune from each other. It was still adorable, and enough for Stevie to get all the proud happy tears. As their performance went on, everyone in the room clapped - Mick cheering extra loud and of course saying he planned to sign and manage the band. Stevie was so thankful he was there to break the otherwise somewhat emotional and awkward tension that lingered.

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