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Beomgyu always sensed something funny about his new neighbor.

The way he'd hear quiet helps coming from the basement whenever beomgyu spent the night.

Or to the fact Yeonjun always had keypads on his door.

With a code beomgyu could never crack.

Beomgyu always thought nothing of it.

Until they started dating of course. Yeonjun always seemed to have this possessiveness or authority of Beomgyu.

When they went out together he never let beomgyu go anywhere by himself, let alone let him stay in a bathroom stall by himself.

Which always ended up with beomgyu limping out of the stall of course.

They had recently moved in together, beomgyu deciding to sell his house and move in next door in Yeonjuns.

Beomgyu never failed to notice the way Yeonjun seemed so secretive to him.

Or the way there were wiretaps stuck in the hood of the bedroom lamp.

Or the way the fire alarm light would always blink red.

A interesting color choice in beomgyu head.

That was until one night, beomgyu saw something he knew he shouldn't have.

I mean hey, why not go down stairs to see what all the bumping is in the middle of the night.

Only to see a blonde girl being dragged down the basement steps that is.

Eyes wide, screaming for beomgyu to help her.

Yeonjun noticed this immediately of course, dropping the girls leg, not forgetting to kick her down the steps rather harshly.

"Beomgyu, baby, what are you doing up so late? " he had asked the terrified male, kicking the basement door closed as the girl still cried for help.

Beomgyu couldn't seem to form any words. Mouth moving but nothing coming out.

Yeonjun reached his arm out wrapping it around beomgyu waist, pulling him close.

His other bloodied hand coming to stroke beomgyu cheek.

Beomgyu felt hot tears roam down his cheeks,his body shaking.

Yeonjun chucklex a bit smirking at his boyfriend.

"Now if you promise not to tell anyone about this, and go back to bed, I promise I'll reward you in the morning" Yeonjun spoke softly stroking his thumb over the boys cheek spreading blood all over it.

Beomgyu shook his head violently, pushing his boyfriend away, running towards the front door.

He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, his hair feeling like it was being ripped out of his scalp.

He felt a hand cover his mouth muffling his screams, and cries.

"Now now gyuie" Yeonjun tsked.

"I thought you would've been a good boy, " Yeonjun scolded.

He pulled the boys hair a bit more, giving a view of the younger neck.

He looked into the boys teary eyes smiling.

"Don't you look so pretty like this" Yeonjun complimented despite the situation.

The gray haired man let go of the boys hair turning him around, wrapping his arms tightly around the boys waist.

He smiled brushing the brown bangs out of his lovers eyes.

"Now come on, let's go to bed, I won't say it again. " Yeonjun said coldly gritting his teeth.

Beomgyu just nodded, tears still falling, hut giving in to his lovers commands.

He carried the younger bridal style, as beomgyu clung onto him, digging his face in his neck.

The two men fell asleep peacefully that night.

Excep6for the blonde girl in the basement she still had it coming.

~Coming Soon~

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