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Note: i never went to a concert so idk how it works, blame the movies/shows if i say shit lol and ignore my misspelling plz:)

Its in hawking (st) but Djo exist, and forget about all the upside down shit btw. Listen to Tentpole Shangrila and Mortal Projections to get more in the mood!!

Words :3118

'Eddie!' Robin enter the room where Eddie were chilling. 'What do you want?' she shakes her hand by excitement and sit next to Eddie. 'You will never believe it'
'What?' he turns his head to look entirely to his best friend. 'I just bought tickets to a concert!' 'Who's concert?' Eds is sceptic, Robin never told him about a band or singer that she like, them why buy tickets? 'It's my favorite singer, I still cannot believe it!' She watch the ceiling like she see an angel or shit. Then she rest her hand and her back on the sofa. 'I still don't know who's concert, but I guess i'm happy for you' He chuckle and Robin look at him, not turning her hand and with a little smile. 'You didn't think I was going to the concert alone did you?' 'Um, yes?' Eddie get up and face her. 'Well no, you are going with me!' she gets up as well and say at Eddie to follow her. 'His singer name is Djo, and his concert is in two weeks!' 'Djo?' Eddie repeats for himself. 'Never heard of him' 'Well of course cause you only care about metal songs and Djo is the complete opposite of that' they take the stairs and arrive in Robin's room. 'Here,' she takes two albums out of  her cupboard. One's blue and the other red. 'I lend you those, but I want them back the same way I gave them.' 'Is it Djo?' She give him an weird look. 'Duh, of course you idiot' Eds smiles and respond 'Shut up or i'll break the albums' Her mouth widen in a smile 'You wouldn't!' she says laughing. 'Oh yeah?' they both laugh and the conversation ends.


Eddie is his way home. He take a look at the cd's at the sit right next to him. He takes the blue one and open it before putting the cd into the cd player of his car. The first song blast put of the speakers.
A distorted instrument is what he first hear, pretty satisfying to hear. Then he heard him.
'Let me down, this is freaking me out'
Eddie look at the name of the song and make a weird face. 'Tentpole Shangrila'
'All of this attention turns the glamorous on it's side'
Yeah, Eddie is a metalhead but he can listen to songs who aren't metal or rock.
'Oh yeah, alright'
His vocals gave goosebumps to Eddie. Fuck he understand know why Robin like his songs.
The rest of the ride on he taps the wheel slightly at the beat of the songs playing, and when he's finally at the trailer he took the albums with him and continue playing it at the background.
He wish he didn't have to return the albums to his best friend, but he didn't wanted her to kill him anyway.


Two weeks later and three days after returning the albums to Robin, Eddie were putting on an outfit for the concert. But it wasn't a metal concert like Black Sabbath or Motörhead so he didn't wanted to wear something too much. He simply put on a ripped off, baggy old blue jean and a tank that Eddie cut the sleeves of enough for his waist to be seen. With that he put a chain at his back pocket and some rings. He put his hair into a pony tail. And he was ready to go, since he didn't knew were the concert was Robin proposed to drive them both, so he waited for her to come get him. After twenty minutes in his room, he hear a honk outside. He rushes outside of his trailer and see Robin. 'Damn Eds, you look cute' 'Aww thanks Robs, look cute too' Of course, nothing of the compliments or whatever were something on the romantic side, they both were attracted to the same gender, and it wasn't a secret between them. It never was actually. He enter the car and they blast music for thirty minutes.


After Robin stopping the car, they both go to the line of people waiting to go inside. 'Damn, there so much people' She hit his shoulder with her elbow to make him look at her. 'He's pretty famous, I told ya' 'Yeah but I didn't except that much!' They were maybe over five hundred people waiting outside and he didn't wanted to know how much people were already in or were on they way to get here. Robin didn't lied for sure. They waited one hour to get to scene but they finally made it through. They waited for Djo to get on the scene too. Eddie never saw how he looked like, he always wanted to knew how his favorites singers and band looked like but this time it didn't happened. So it was like a surprise this time. He saw him, with a electric guitar in hands, brushing his hair with his fingers and licking his lips. He take the microphone and start speaking.
'Hi, how are we doing here guys?'
The crowd start screaming just as Robin, so Eddie followed their lead. The whole scene were covered in blue leds, he could see the musicians, one with a bass, the other was at the drums and Djo with the guitar. He keeps speaking for a minute or two and he finally say. 'The first song is..' he let a bit of suspense before finishing his sentence. 'Tentpole Shangrila' Eddie's mouth widen. It was the first song he heard of Djo and it was his favorite, and he was going to hear it on live? Fuck he felt so good right now.
He start to sing, the first note felt like an angel singing to his ears.
The whole crowd was shouting the lyrics and so was he.
'Let me down, this is freaking me out'
Eddie couldn't stop smiling and he knew his cheeks would hurt after, but did he care? Absolutely not. He felt like a child in front of his best super hero for the first time. He felt fascinating by his voice, the music, the way his lips were touching slightly the microphone, his fingers brushing the strings, his veins on his hands just made them look hotter, and gosh Djo were sublime. He was just so good at singing and good looking. Compered to him, Eddie were nothing he though. He didn't stopped watching him performing for the next hours.

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