Bad at love pt.3

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This is the last part. Enjoy!

TW: the same as for the whole story

Nick's POV

Charlie and I have been taking it slow since my break up with Freya. We didn't want to screw this up and we both had some work to do on ourselves first.

I was back at work now, Charlie still had trouble leaving the flat, but this week was the first time he left. He went to work with me and I offered to train him in my free time, but he was too shy. I get that training and weighing and measuring yourself can be triggering for a person recovering from an eating disorder, so I didn't push him. I just didn't want him to be bored. I still had no idea what his job was before and I wasn't sure I should ask. He still got easily triggered when he talked about his past, although he was getting better and his therapy was helping.

The meeting with Tori got moved a few times, since either something came up for us or her. But today was finally the day she'll come over. Charlie was on edge and he could barely eat anything, when he was doing so much better these past few weeks.

'Char, are you okay? Maybe I should meet alone with Tori. If you're not ready, it's okay' I said sweetly as I sat down next to him on the couch

He pulled me towards him and he cuddled up in my laps. I kissed his cheek a few times, which finally earned me a soft, small smile.

'I'm ready, I think... Geoff thinks I'm as ready as I can be... I want her back in my life, no matter what happens' he said a tad shakily

'Okay. I'm glad you're sure. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see you' I said with a smile as I held him tightly

'You'll need to eat something when she comes though, love. Nothing too big... she just needs to see that you're working on yourself' I said uneasily, hating the fact that I had to say that

'Nick...' he began, but I cut him off

'Your sickness was hard on her. She lost you for a few years. Just please try to ease her mind. I know it's not right to ask you to do that. I know that you don't owe anyone anything regarding your illness. I just... I just want this to go well, for the both of you' I said heavily

'I know you mean the best. I'll try... I really want her back in my life and I don't want her to worry about me anymore... she'll be furious enough with what happened' I said sadly

'I'm here Charlie. Every step of the way. I'm not leaving ever again' I reassured him as I kissed his temple

'Can you just kiss me?' he asked with a chuckle as he steered my chin so that our eyes would be on the same level

'We said we'd take it slowly' I said trying hard to control my emotions

'You're not taking advantage of me. I know you broke up a while ago, but still... it's okay to feel what I know we both feel. I want you. We don't have to label ourselves yet. I just need you, I need your comfort, I need your lips' he said shakily as he caressed my cheek lovingly

I sighed heavily, letting my emotions be in control for once. I slammed my lips into his and kissed him hungrily. He yelped in surprise and pleasure when I did that. He immediately relaxed under my touch. My lips slowly trailed down his chin and neck, sucking slowly and lovingly down his neck to his collarbone. His gasps and moans only edged me more.

'As much as I'd love to do so much more to you, we should stop. Tori will be here any minute' I said as I pulled away from his trembling body

'You're such a tease' said Charlie with a frustrated sigh as a small smile appeared on his lips

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