Chapter 8

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I sprayed cologne all over my body getting ready to spend time with Lateeka. I had sent Danielle home about an hour ago and hopped in the shower as soon as she left. I felt good getting all dressed up to go see Lateeka, but the guilt was killng me. Knowing that I'm going to see my sidehoe just a couple hours after sending my girl home. I fastened my Rollie on and headed out the door, I felt sexy. I walked down the hall and headed to condo 535 to see my lil baby. I knocked on her door and she greeted me quickly with a smile and a pop kiss. If only she knew, I laughed in my head reminiscing on how I just had sex with Danielle. It was kind of nasty that she kissed me on the lips after I just ate Danielle out, but I wasn't going to snitch on myself. Lateeka lead me to the couch and sat me down in from on the TV, "I'll be right back baby," She said. I sat there and childishly laughed at Family Guy while she was in the kitchen fixing my plate. I glanced over to the kitchen out the corner of my eye several times to make sure shawty wasn't trying to roofie me or no crazy shit like that. These hoes ain't loyal. She walked out the kitchen with a plate chicken tikka and rice. I honesty have no idea how to pronounce that or what it really is, but I guess it was some type of baked chicken and rice. It tasted pretty good and it was supposed to be like a healthy meal. "I wanted to make sure you're eating right because I know you play ball and need to stay in shape." Lateeka smiled.

"Thanks ma," I said really wishing she made a nigga some spaghetti or brought KFC. I'm not too much into the whole eating healthy type thing, I just want to eat good. I noticed that she took all the fat and skin off the chicken. That mutha fucka, is this how niggas be living in India?

"Would you like wine? I think oaked Chardonnay or Pinot Noir goes perfectly with this." I looked at her confused because I don't know my wines at all. In the back of my mind I'm thinking, This bitch ain't got no regular food? No Koolaid? I hesitated and just decided to go with the Pinot Noir because it sounded fancier. "Ummm let me get the Peanut Noor." I said butchering the entire pronunciation of the word. She laughed to herself knowing that I didn't know shit about wine because I did horrible at pronouncing the French wine. She returned from the kitchen with a glass and sat on the couch next to me and began rubbing my chest. Aww shit, I don't have enough energy to fuck again, but I can't turn down pussy. "Don't do that babygirl," I said kissing on her neck.

"Why not my love?"

"Because I like you and I don't want to disrespect you by having sex with you too early. I respect your mind, body, and your soul. I respect you as a woman."

"That's cute, but you sound scared." I was shocked by Lateeka even hinting at the idea of me running away from pussy. I began to unzip her jeans and kiss her neck. I pulled Lateeka's hair and whispered in her ear, "I'm never scared." Soon as I started to pull down her jeans, her phone rang. She looked at her phone and saw that it was somebody named "Sister", at first glance the girl in her phone looked pretty cute, but familiar. I probably fucked with her before. Lateeka got up and took the call to the other room and came back after a few minutes. "Everything ok?" I asked.

"No, you have to go, I'm leaving to go to the hospital, my bestfriend is very sick."

"Alright, cool so I'll go, but I'll hit you later, tell me if everything is ok."

"I will hun," she said as I walked out her house shutting the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I had been home for about a good 15 before I had began to fall asleep. As soon as I started to dozed off Danielle called me hysterically crying. "My sister has been in a car accident."she said. My sleepy eyes popped wide awake and became fully alert. "Oh shit, is she ok?"

"I don't know, I don't know." Danielle cried. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I had to give her my support. "Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?" I asked trying to be sympathetic. My girl begged me to come over so I grabbed my mom's car keys and left.

We arrived at the hospital around 11:45 and headed to her sister's room. Outside we saw Danielle's mom who seen rather calm. "Hi Mrs. Robinson, is everything ok?"

"Hi Cahseno, and yea Kaitlin should be fine, she just broke her hip that's all. She's expected to make a full recovery."

"That's good, that's good. Should I take Danielle inside? She's hysterical right now." Mrs. Robinson told me to let Danielle see that her sister was fine and that the car accident wasn't as serious as she thought it was. "Go on in Cahseno, no one is in there but Kaitlin's bestfriend."

I grabbed Danielle's hand and walked her into the hospital room.

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