Dregs or Walkers?

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Well it has been three years now after that fateful night. Just a couple weeks ago an apocalypse happened and well we're surrounded by dregs. What I mean by we're is that its me, Zoè, and Anna. As for Dregs well they're diseased ridden dead people and yes I said dead. They raised up from the dead, but are still not of the living.
"Anna! I told you not to wander off without me!" I yell over to one of my triplets. She might be a minute older than me but I'm the one who has to deal with all the Dregs reason being is because being in the care of our mother she didn't believe in violence or teach them any gun shotting or dagger throwing. Me being with my dad he didn't really care and I would sneak his guns and knives in and out of the house just trying to get away from all the troubles of my life. So yeah that makes me the leader.
"Why? Its boring in here besides I'm oldest so I should be in charge." She says folding her arms. I sigh.
"We already went over this you and Zoè don't know anything about fighting shooting or throwing a knife properly. Speaking of Zoè were is she?!" I stand from my crouched position on the floor and look around.
"Zoè!" I yell.
"Boo!" I hear a fimilair girl voice shout. I turn to see Zoè standing with her arms spread out wide attempting to scare us.
"Nice try Zoè, but its not going to work. Should have used a Dreg noise instead." I say. She pokes her lip out.
"Why didn't I think of that!" She yells frustrated.
"So Iris can we please have a crossbow?!" Anna asks. I smile as I go to collect my gear.
"Not even." They both let out an exaggerated sigh.
"Well we better get going." I say while putting my pocket knives into my pockets, My two hand held razor blades into my black leather boots, I strap my sword onto my belt by its chains, sticking two small guns into both sides of my belt, and then slinging my crossbow onto my back.
"Here take these you'll need them." I hand a small dagger and hand held gun to each of them.
"Alright finally you give us some ammo!" Zoè says in triumph. "Why are they so small though?" They both exam there two weapons.
"When we get to a secluded area I'll teach you how to shoot a crossbow but for now its the small tools. Do we have a deal?"
"Fine." Anna says. I look at Zoè hoping she agrees with this we can't sit here arguing all day.
"Okay, but I'm holding you to that promise." I smile.
"Good then glad we came to an agreement. Now lets head out." As we walk down the deserted roads we come across a food truck.
"Just our luck!" Anna cheered punching the air. I hold my hand up to stop them from walking any further. I cautiously walk towards the truck. I swing the back door open and hold up my crossbow ready to shoot.
"It looks all clear... Right now anyway." I climb in and help them up. We head to the front. I peer in. We're good.
"Okay! It's chow time!" Anna yells and goes towards the nacho machine. I laugh and shake my head man my sisters.
"Ooh! Mangoes!" I hear Zoè yell. My head snaps up along with Anna's. We all three have a strong love for mangoes before our parents split we had a mango club every Tuesday we made shirts, mango shakes, mango charm bracelets, etc. Looking back at it now feels so forgien I have good memories. Then theres a ton of bad ones right along with them, but as long as you have those good memories it will be enough to keep you going. I pick up a mango with red fading into orange.
"Man I haven't had one of these in forever. You guys remember the rule though don't you?" I ask. They both look up at me confused then Zoè's face lights up.
"Don't eat the peels!" I nod showing that she was correct. After finishing off what we wanted of the food I grabbed the duffel bag that Anna was carrying and start to pile soda's and packaged foods.
"Why don't you put any mangoes in?" Anna asks. I shake my head.
"We need packaged foods so it will last longer and not expire before we get the chance to eat it."
"Oh okay." She replys back. We walk outside being greeted by the dulling light of the sun.
"It will be night soon. We better set up camp somewhere if we don't we'll be vulnerable and weak." We head towards the woods hoping the trees will give us some kind of protection. I look at where the sun is leveled. Hm seems about five a clock ee still have a bit of time to search. Anna turns around to face me and Zoè.
"Is this how we're going to live for the rest of our lives?!" She screams. I know it must be tough for them not having any real trouble in there earlier lives. Its tough for me.
"Well we're living and thats good enough." I say.
"You call this living?" She says flabbergasted. "It seems more like Hell to me." I sigh. I look up and thats when I see it. Reaching its hands out to rip out Anna's heart. Without even thinking I grab my crossbow off my back and shot it right in the eye. It takes a step back.
"Anna move now!" I yell in a high pitch scream. She scrambles away from it. Zoè grabs her elbow helping her to stay up right.
"Get behind me right now! No arguments!" I command. Zoè pulls Anna and herself behind my figure. It walks forward surprisingly fast for a Dreg. Screaming in there Dreg hullabaloo language. Maybe I should call it the language of the dead... Sounds cheesy but I like it. Wait what am I thinking theres a Dreg right infront of me trying to rip my body to shreds tearing out my insides enjoying my organs like its a cheese sandwich. I fire my bow and it lands right in the middle of its forehead it falls back. Dead for a second time. As it falls so does my hope of me and my sister's survival. Right behind him was a whole pack of Dregs.
"Oh crabapples." I say. They start walking fowards I put my crossbow on my back and grab Anna's and Zoè's hand. I turn around to run in the direction that we came from, but to out misfortune they were there to. I turn to look in the other directions but to no avail.
"Hm. Lets see escape, escape, escape. I start analyzing all the different possibilities to get out of this mess. Then it dings on me.
"Zoè, Anna get your guns out. We're going to play a little game called shoot all the walkers." They look at me like I've gone insane.
"Won't that just alert more walkers plus theres to many we'll never get them all." Zoè says bewildered.
"We don't have much of a choice! We're going to break through them shoot any that get in your way." I say informing the plan I go back over it in my mind. Yep this is the best thing we can do. I pull out my two hand guns and raise them up. Anna and Zoè do the same.
"Ready and shoot!" I shout. Before we have a chance to pull the triggers I hear a gun shot from farther off and one of the Dregs go down with a thud. Next thing I see is a arrow whizz by and hit a walker right beside me. Then guns and arrows start firing from different directions.
"Get down!" I shout. They make it down faster then I do and a arrow pierces through my shoulder. I suck in my breath and fall to my knees.
"Iris!" I hear Zoè scream. Anna crawls over towards me and examines the wound.
"That's deep." She says after a while.
"Yeah you think!" I say through gritted teeth trying to suck the pain in. The Dregs were all down in a few minutes after the firing. A few guys came down all carrying guns except for one with a crossbow. So thats the pig that shot me huh! I look to my sisters and they had there eyes fixed on the crossbow guy too, but not in the same way I did.
"Wow he's good looking." I hear Zoè say.
"You got that right." Anna replys. I sigh really... Fangirls great. I stand up my hand on my shoulder blade.
"Daryl! I told you not to shoot them!" A guy wearing a police officers hat says. He shrugs.
"I can't help that she was in the way." I glare at him. What the heck! He could at least say sorry!
"Hi I'm Anna." Anna says walking over to who I guess is Daryl. He raises an eyebrow. Zoè walks up behind Anna.
"And I'm Zoè." Oh great I should stop them before I lose to much blood.
"Okay... I'm Daryl." They both smile at him. Creepy.
"Really?" I ask. "This guy just shot me and your fangirling over him. What great sister's you two are. Really appreciate it." I say sarcastically.
"Sorry he didn't mean to shoot you." Says a boy who looks younger than the rest with black hair and a hat on. I sigh and wave him off.
"Its fine. He did help scare the Dregs away." I place my hand atop of the bow thats lodged into my arm.
"Dregs?" A guy that looks somewhat Korean asks.
"Yeah the dead dudes." Zoè says finally snapped out of her trance.
"Is that what you call them?" Daryl asks.
"Yep." Anna responds. Now she joins the conversation.
"Well we call them walkers." He says.
"Thats awesome!" Zoè compliments. Ugh this pain is excruciating. I grab the arrow swiftly and quick as I can I yank it out blood pours out of my shoulder. Everyone's eyes goes wide.
"Crabapples this hurts." I grunt. I take a piece of cloth out of the back of my pocket. I press it to the wound watching it swell with red hot liquid.
"We need to get you to a hospital now!" The korean looking dude picks me up.
"Hey I can walk put me down!" I yell protesting against this.
"Calm down you'll lose blood faster!" At the mention of that I relax a little but my muscles were still tense from being this close to a person. A stranger at that. I look over his shoulder and see everyone following behind us. What a great first encounter.

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