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Ella's POV: Emerald is a beautiful block. It can be used for design. Or making houses from it. I sometimes use emerald for pixel art (wich i am not very good at) or i use it for roofs and walls and sometimes for spawn areas on my world.

Ruby's POV:I use emerald for carpets and i also use it for as curtains for minecraft and also sometimes use it for leaves. I like the Emerald block because its a shimmering green and my faviroute colour is green.

Facts: Emerald is very rare to find you usually find it in a cave near lava. You need to mine emerald with a iron or a diomand pickaxe. If you craft an emerald block you get 9 peices of it from 1 block. You cant make alot of stuff with emerald but maybe minecraft will update and get emerald tools and armour but that might never happen but there is a 50% chance there will be emerald tools and armour. Emerald is a glimmering peice of minecraft, people who play minecraft usually say that emerald is the newest edition to minecraft or they say that it is hard to find and give up to find it but other people find it and treasure it.

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