Chapter 3

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All I could do was stare at Blake in shock.

“What?” Was he serious? I was seven the last time I lived here. SEVEN.

“Sorry if I wasn't clear. That was me asking you out.”

“What?” Had I known him that well?

“Is that a yes or a no?” He was still smiling playfully, but his eyes were hopeful. Geez. He was serious. “Yeah.” I answered. Wow. I'd only been back in town for an hour and I'd already gotten myself a date.

“Movies, tomorrow night? I'll pick you up around six.”

“Sure. See you then.” I smiled at him before heading into my house.

Once inside, I asked my mom where my room was. She told me it was the one upstairs that wasn't painted yellow. So basically, by the time I got to my room, I was happy, laughing, and freaking out.

I shut my door and slid to the floor in exuastion. So much had happened in one day. I went from laughing with my friends to riding in a flying can of death, to being asked out by a super hot guy who was my best friend when I was seven. Just thinking about everything made me tired.

It was no surprise that when I woke up in the morning I was still on the floor by the door.


I felt disguting and sleepier than when I fell asleep, but I still got up. There was too much to do and not enough time. Sleeping wouldn't be any help. As I looked at the boxes that cluttered my room, I was unsure which to unpack first.

Until I remembered I had a date tonight and no clothes but the ones I was wearing. So... clothes first.

There were only about six or seven boxes full, and only one of them had nice clothes. Add another fifteen to twenty holding things like my bed sheets, books, art supplies, writing supplies, and sports equiptment and you have twenty five, thirty boxes. And only one had what I wanted.

Well, might as well start unpacking.

I opened my book boxes first, since there were about eight of those, and placed them all on the bookshelf. Then I went through the rest of the boxes one by one, slowly unpacking everything, only stopping to eat.

I was still unfinished when it was five o'clock, but I had to stop. I was sweaty and airplaney - smelling and dusty and a whole bunch of other things. I had to get ready.

Fourty minuutes later I was in my bedroom, wrapped in a towel, staring at the few nice clothes laid out on my bed. There were three skirts: a black layered one, a hot pink layered one, and a black mini. Five shirts: a white eyelet blouse, a light blue, three - quarter sleeve, an off – the – shoulder black shirt, a purple v- neck tee, and a dark blue blouse. Then there were the two dresses: a long purple one from my cousin's wedding, and a short red one. I stared at them for another minute.

Yeah, definatly the off the shoulder and the hot pink skirt.

I pulled them on, and then I grabbed my knee high converse. Blake was cute, but I wasn't going to kill my feet for him. I don't suffer for style.

I was half way down the stairs when the bell wrong.

“I've got it Mom!” I yelled, throwing open the door. Blake smiled at me, and I smiled back.

“Ready to go?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I stepped outside, yelled “Bye Mom!” and closed the door.

I looked up into his blue eyes, smiled even bigger, and said “Let's go.”


Yeah..... really short...... anyways, please comment......bye......

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2011 ⏰

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