chapter 1

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When I woke up at 5:30 am on a Saturday, I knew it was going to be a bad day. Of course, that feeling of despair may have had something to do with the fact that I was leaving today. Leaving as in moving away. This was my last day in Santa Clarita. My last day with my friends. My last day in sunny California. With a groan I rolled out of bed. No use in sleeping in if I only had a few hours left.

Most of the boxes were packed already, so I just grabbed a forgotten bathing suit and a pair of shorts. I walked out of my room, turned a corner, then ran back in. Within 10 seconds I was back in the living room snapping pictures with my camera, trying not to laugh as I did.

This may seem weird, since a minute ago I was completly bummed. So let me paint you a picture. My friends had crashed at my house last night, ande none of them were still when they were asleep. Or awake. Anyway, my friend Krysta was asleep on the coffee table, her mouth wide open as she snored. Jordan was laying on a folding chair that had mysteriously moved from the bottom of the pool. Those two were pretty funny, but the guys were the guys were the best.

Zack was passed out at the kitchen table, his head in a bowl of cereal. Byron and Miles were asleep on the ground, hugging each other. I snapped one more picture then yelled,

"Wake up!"

"Huh wha- ah!" Krysta fell off the table. Jordan was more graceful- she rolled off the table and landed on her butt. Zack jerked his head  out of the bowl, grabbed a paper towel, and started wiping his face. Byron and Miles.... they continues to sleep. Ugh. Those two could sleep through almost anything.

By the time I remembered what made that sentence an almost, the others had already caught sight of the two sleeping beasts.

Chuckling to myself as I walked through the kitchen, I thought about how the day would go. If we left in a half hour, we could get to the beach by seven. We'd have a couple hours there, since I wasn't leaving until four. That was still too early, but it was the best I could get.

"Here Em," Zack handed me a bucket of freezing water. An evil smile formed on my face. The situation was about to become twice as funny as it started.

I dumped gthe water on Byron and Miles.

The effect was instantanious. In seconds they went from two sleeping dudes to two sputtering and very wet dudes. In case you're wondering what happened, it went something like this:

Byron: What the hell- is this water?

Miles: Emerson, why? Couldn't you have just poked us or something?

Me: I could've, but this ways funnier.

Krysta: Aww look- the lovebirdS are all wet.

Byron and Miles: What?

That was about the point when they realized how, um, close they were to each other. Then they pushed away from each other and tried to blow it off by joking. Blah blah blah, etc. etc. You get the idea.

But as I walked back to my room, Byron came up and asked "You didn't take any pictures, right? Please telll me you didn't take any pictures." "Sorry, no can do. We alll got pictures Byron." He sighed and walked away.

I guess he wasn't as over it as he acted.

* * *

Half an hour later, we were all piled into my parents silver van, with Krysta as our driver. She wasn't our first choice, but she had just gotten her license so she refused to let anyone else behind the wheel. The only problem: she had a habit of not noticing things until they were shoved right in her face.

So basically, by the time we got to the beach we were half dead and lucky to be alive. The second she parked, we were pushing and shoving, desperate to got out of the car. Literally. Because yes, Krysta was that bad a driver.

“What's first Em?” Jordan asked.

“I'm going body surfing. Come on.” I turned around and ran into Miles. “Sorry.” I turned the other way and came face-to-chest with Byron. He smirked down at me.

“Going somewhere Emers?” “Um...” This couldn't be good. Usually that smile ended with me somewhere I didn't want to be. “Yeah. I'm going to the beach.” I tried to run but he grabbed me around the waist and threw me over his shoulder. “Put me down!” I shrieked girlishly.

Miles came up from behind and looked at me straight in the eye. “Nope. This is what you get for dumping water on us.” He looked up. “To the water Byron.” Byron chuckled and started walking towards the beach. As the sound of the waves crashing against the shore filled my ears, it clicked. I knew what Byron was about to do, and I didn't like it one bit.

At that moment Byron stoppped and pulled me from his shoulder and shifted his arms so I ended up being held bridal style. I looked at the water, then back up at Byron. “You wouldn't.” “Oh yes Em. Oh yes.” He said, before dumping me unceremoniously into the water below.

I surfaced and shook my head. “You'll pay for that Byron.” I warned. The smile on his face disappeared and he started backing up quickly. “Come on now. We were just joking. Em? We're even now. Please Em!” He begged. I pretended to think about it for a second. “Hmm....Nope!” I pounced and knocked him backwards into the water.

Of course, then a war began. By the time we had finished our battle we were all wet, tired, and hungry. After we ate (I'm pretty sure we wiped out the entire food supply at the snack bar. What can I say, me and my friends eat a lot.) we decided to head home. Once that was decided, another problem surfaced. That problem was named Krysta.

“I'm driving!” She yelled.

“NO!” We all screamed at her.

“Why?” She whined. I turned to Jordan, and the rest of us did the same. She sighed and gave us a look that clearly said, “Why me?” before she turned to Krysta and stated plainly “Because you suck at driving.” Krysta's mouth dropped open, and I thought I was about to hear a huge rant. Instead, she just shrugged and tossed the keys to Miles. “Here ya go.”

There's no place like home, I thought, and I'm leaving mine.

Life sucks sometimes.


Authors note: sorry if it sucked. im not good at beginnings. it'll get better, i promise! as always, please comment. bye bye.

Part 1: In Haunting MemoryWhere stories live. Discover now