Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

For the third time, Jian woke to the guttural sound of his own voice. It had happened twice before during the night. Visions of Chanyn's head bobbing up and down on his shaft. The feel of her lips like velvet on his skin. His shaft throbbed, his body thrashed, and his release, as he lay without the ring's obstruction, shook him awake.

This time he woke in the common room. A few eyes of the elderly monks slid his way in admonishment at disturbing their peaceful afternoon of silent reading and meditation. Jian shifted in his robes, an uncomfortable maneuver as he tried to cover the damp impression left by the still raging stiffness of his shaft.

"How's the training going, young pup?"

Even though Jian was well past his adolescence, he remained the youngest hound in the temple. With no clientele in the past few years, the newer recruits all left. Even Jian's fellow training mates had long since left. Those three males had been the last class of trainees at the temple. The young males had been inseparable in their youth and throughout training. Closer to Jian than his own flesh and blood; but as the temple waned and could no longer support them, they each left. Jian never considered leaving. Though, in the first few years after the scandal, he'd been afraid he'd be tossed out on his ear.

Elder Gerry had been the one to sponsor Jian into the temple. Over the years he'd become very much a father figure. He'd come to Jian's defense after the scandal, a move Jian was sure had cost him upward mobility within the temple ranks.

Elder Gerry looked at him now in his peaceful, untethered way. A look Jian tried to master.

"I do not anticipate it will take very long," Jian said, in answer to Elder Gerry's question about Chanyn's training.

Jian could already tell that Chanyn was orgasmic. Even in centuries past, both women and men considered the female orgasm to be elusive. It wasn't elusive. It simply required patience on the part of both parties.

A woman needed to be relaxed and trust her partner.

A man needed to have a working knowledge of a woman's anatomy and an attention span longer than a gnat's.

Lady Chanyn had relaxed almost instantly with him, and her trust came closely on its heels. In the past, with other women, it took Jian many sessions just to get to the point where they would arch into his touch. Chanyn was a responsive woman. Jian doubted he could take much of the credit for her pleasure.

"The first payment should be in our accounts," Jian said.

Elder Gerry nodded. "It is indeed. I've sent for supplies. With the next installment we will be able to repair the roof."

Elder Gerry put a gnarled hand on Jian's shoulder and gave him a squeeze. Most often, the monk wore a serene, expressionless mask upon his face. But just now, the old man's lips quirked up, his eyes alight with pride at his young protégé.

"Good work, Jian."

"I just hope that the brothers see it that way," Jian said. He looked around at the faces of the monks.

Elder Gerry's eyes followed Jian's. "Do you remember the first time we met?"

Jian did. He'd been living on the street.

"I was doing a walking meditation," Elder Gerry said. "You were out in a park when I saw you. You had come across a dog."

Jian remembered. It was a handsome looking dog, golden brown fur and pale eyes. His elder brother had a cocker spaniel. That small dog had taken to Jian and, for its love of another, his brother had abused it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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