Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

The sound of something large falling brought Chanyn from her room and back down the hall. In hindsight, she should've asked herself what she could've done that two large men couldn't handle. But then she'd remembered the boar that now filled her belly, and she hurried down the hall.

It was the groans of pleasure that stayed her hand on the glass door of her mother's former bedroom. Chanyn had never heard such sounds. She'd heard the pain of an animal clinging to life. She'd heard the angry cadence of her mother's voice when she'd found Chanyn reading romance novels, instead of the approved nonfiction-reading list. She'd even heard the cooing of baby animals as they played with their parents and siblings.

Pain, anger, and joy. None could compare to the guttural sound of pleasure and aching need that reverberated from the glass lined room.

Chanyn knelt down and peeked into one of the holes left by the tattered curtains. She'd often looked through this hole to spy on her mother on the days when the older woman became too engrossed in her books to leave her room. Chanyn knew from experience that entering without her mother's permission would get her an angry shout. So instead, Chanyn would peer in to make sure she saw the rise and fall of her mother's chest before going about her day.

When Chanyn peered through the hole this time, the two bodies inside were stark naked and definitely alive.

Khial's mouth hovered over Dain's... private parts. From his prone position, Dain watched the other man's head bob up and down, his eyes were hooded, his lips parted, his fingers caressing Khial's face in an encouraging motion.

Khial straightened and Chanyn saw both men's—she could barely even think the word—penises. Dain's long and pink, Khial's dark and thick. Khial plunged himself inside Dain and the two panted and moaned their way to ecstasy.

Chanyn felt herself growing warm, just like when she read the vivid love scenes in her novels. Only she'd never read of two men making love to one another. Of course, she knew it happened in this day and age. She knew that after the environmental, biochemical and finally, nuclear destruction wrought by men, that female births became scarce as Mother Nature closed her womb to mankind. Chanyn knew she had two fathers somewhere out in the world. Her mother rarely spoke of her mates, and never in a kind fashion. Chanyn knew they'd been turned out of her mother's home after conception. With their work done, there was no further need to keep them around.

Men were perverts, her mother insisted. They only wanted sex, and would draw a woman away from her true calling as a thinking, rational, sacred vessel. Women were a repository of knowledge, not semen, her mother would say. All women, thought her mother, would be best to leave the brutes to the judgment of the Goddess for their wicked ways.

Chanyn listened to her mother's words. She read the required texts. But she'd also read books on the banned shelf of their home. Those books with their racy covers showed men embracing women. They told of chivalry and alpha males and true love.

Chanyn dreamed of that world. A world where a man looked at her with the intensity Khial gazed upon Dain. A world where a man caressed her body with the care that Dain showed Khial.

Chanyn panted along with the men as they both reached their climax. The ache between her thighs nearly unbearable, with the possibility of relief so close, separated from her only by cloth and glass.

She pressed her thighs together as Khial curled up on Dain's chest and fell asleep. Chanyn had slept alone her entire life. Her mother never once tucked her in, as she'd read in children's books. Or gave her a hug, like she read parents did, in the books in the young adult section of her home.

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