Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


I woke up feeling a prodding at my cheeks, “Wakey-wakey, sleeping beauty.” A familiar voice said to me. 

“Mmbph” I mumbled into the pillow beneath my head. In my mind, that translated to, “Let me sleep, its definitely not time for me to get up yet.” 

I heard a sigh, “C’mon, I snuck in here just to spend some time with you. Will you at least grant me that request?” the voice pleaded.

Lifting my head from my pillow, I saw Aidan there, smiling with a donut covered in chocolate and sprinkles in his hand, “If you give me that donut, I may accept your request.” I said, pointing at his hand. 

He frowned a little, “But I was hoping to eat this donut,” He brought the donut closer to his face, waving it in front of his nose, causing me to whimper. I wanted real food. He chuckled, “I’m not sure if I should negotiate with terrorists,” tearing off a piece of the donut and handing it to me, “but it’s hard to ignore someone as beautiful as you.” 

My face burned at his words, causing me to turn my head away from him and gobble down my part of the chocolate donut. It tasted like heaven compared to what they were feeding me here. Luckily, the donut had taken my mind off of his statement and I laid myself back down onto the bed, resting my eyes in pure ecstasy.

“Hey, what happened to my audience?” Aidan asked hastily.

I turned on my side away from him and looked out the window, “You only gave me part of the donut, not the whole thing.”

“So I’m only getting half your attention?”

“Yep.” I smiled, pretty happy that I had his full attention on me. Sadly, I couldn’t keep staring out at the window, since the clouds decided to rarely cover the sun, so it was constantly hitting me in the face and burning my eyes.

Once I finally gave up on the sun, I turned back to face Aidan, who actually was holding a whole box of donuts now, “I have your full attention now, don’t I?” He winked. 

“Maybe,” I said, as I tried to reach forward and grab at the donuts, which he promptly pulled away, out of my reach, causing me to pout and a laugh to come out of his lips. 

“I was hoping for a yes.”

I leaned back into the bed, “Fine, yes, you can have my full attention now. Can I please have a donut?” 

He popped open the box and displayed it before me, “Anything you wish, milady.” Aidan winked again, causing me to blush and giggle yet again. This time, I aimed for a white powdered donut. They’re messy, yet magically delicious. Before I knew it, it was gone, including all the powdered stuff. I must have been hungry. 

From beside me, I heard a cough, “Okay, you’ve had your full donut. This means we get to talk… right?”

“Right.” I smiled, knowing that it was pretty much impossible for me to avoid holding a promise. 

“So how have you been feeling?” He asked, concern now coming into his eyes. 

I leaned back again, taking a breath, “Rough, kind of stiff too. I’m used to moving around more and not spending all of my time lazing around in a bed. Head sometimes stings in the back, but I think the pain is getting a little bit duller each time.” I smiled, patting the back of my head, feeling around for the dent. That also seemed to be fixing itself anyway.

“That’s great.” Aidan smiled, “I was worried that you would never recovered,” He laid his head down upon the side of the bed, taking my hand in his. 

I honestly didn’t know what to say at this point, I was never good in these types of situations, so all I did was take my other hand and pat the top of his head for a little bit. 


It turned out that we had both fallen asleep when there was a knock at the door. I looked up to see my best friend, Maria, rush in with tears in her eyes.

“I’m so happy that you’re okay!” She said, giving me a light hug before eyeing Aidan, who was slowly raising his head and starting to stretch his arms and yawn. 

I felt tears starting to come out, “I’m so happy to see you,” I squeezed her hand, “thanks for covering me.” I gestured over to Aidan, “This is the guy that I was going out to see, Aidan… um.. I don’t even know his last name at the moment,” I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my head carefully in order to not hit the bump.

Aidan smiled, holding his hand out to Maria, “Aidan Rite, pleasure to meet you.” 

Maria giggled, “So I see you’ve found yourself Mr. Right then,” She patted my shoulder before turning her attention back to Aidan, “Have any brothers?” 

He shook his head, “Nope, just me.”

“Haha I guess I shouldn’t worry about it then, don’t worry I already have myself a man,” her eyes glowed at the thought of her own boy, Ricky, who used to go to our school before he graduated with my brother, Alexander. 

“You sure? I could always ask my parents to make another.” He winked.

I busted out laughing, “Eww, you shouldn’t talk about your parents love life like that!” Maria joined in with the laughing after hearing that line. 

“Well you should already know that I’m not the average guy,” He smiled, showing off incredibly white teeth. What was he, a super model or something? Nobody’s teeth are that white. Unless they’re photoshopped or something like somebody being stupid enough to put white-out onto their teeth. Heck, the thought of someone putting whiteout directly onto their teeth sent me into another laughing fit. 

They both stared at me as though I was crazy, but then busted out laughing as well. 

We spent many hours catching up and laughing our guts out before the Nurse gave a warning that visiting hours were almost over. Maria and I gave each other a quick hug before she left, telling Aidan what a pleasure it was to meet him. Aidan was reluctant to leave, he even hid himself in the bathroom just so he could spend the night with me. 

Once the nurses had finished their rounds of making sure all the visitors had left and medicating us, I learned that I was supposed to be released from the hospital soon, which made me feel quite ecstatic, but for now I was happy that Aidan was going to stay here for the night. 

He strolled out of the bathroom when I made the all clear sound, a giant smile spread across his face as he sat down on the side of the bed and he stared into my eyes, “I wish I had met you sooner, you make my world feel so much more alive,” he took my hand and pressed his lips against it, causing my face to go aflame. 

“I’m so happy to have you here with me,”  I confessed, “I’ve never felt as safe with anybody else as I am with you.” I even scooted over, making space for him to get the rest of his body onto the bed and lay beside me, which he thankfully did take the invitation. 

We stared out the window together, stargazing once again. Or at least what we could see through all of the light pollution that the city was creating against the night sky. I leaned my head into his chest, memories of that night flooded back into my head. That was when I remembered his father.

“Hey Aidan?” 


I played with the edge of the blanket with my fingers, “That night, at the park… Your father’s eyes, they were glowing. What was up with that?”

“That was nothing, his eyes weren’t glowing. You may have seen some light reflecting in them.” He answered carefully, as though he was hiding something.

“Oh, well okay..” I replied, but the back of my head began to throb a little. 

“Maybe you just need some sleep. Don’t worry, I’ll be here in the morning,” He whispered, kissing the top of my head as I leaned into his chest even more and plunged into darkness.

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