Chapter Two

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It was noon as my brother, Alexander, and I strolled into a Skyline Chili. We seemed to go there almost every weekend, at least before he went off to college. He was two years older than I was, going off to a college in another state, so I rarely ever got to see him, so when I did, I tried to make every second count. 

As we plopped ourselves down and ordered our food, me a 3-way, while Alex got some sort of food that I know would probably kill me, I never bother to learn what it's called. While waiting, we caught up with everything going on in our lives, about how he was now seeing another girl who reminded him a lot about me. For what seemed like a long time, he ranted on about her. 

"She's so amazing, I know you'll really like her." He said, a small shy smile crossing over his face. I could tell that he was head over heels in love with her. 

"I bet. Dare to pop the question yet?" I ask slyly.

A shocked expression crossed his face, "Oh no, we haven't quite received her parent's permission to date! They don't even know I exist!"

At that I almost laughed, "How're you supposed to marry her then?"

"I don't know, but I'll find a way someday. I just know that it's goin to take awhile to get to that point." That's what I loved about my brother, he has so much respect for women as well as their parents, although I have a feeling that the father may want to know about this secret relationship of theirs soon. "Hey Annie, I got to use the men's restroom, so hold down the fort till I get back." He said, scooting out of the booth.

"Aye, aye, captain." I saluted him.

As I sat there waiting, I noticed a piece of paper flung ungracefully over the side of the booth, landing next to my legs. I turned around to see a guy with dark red-brown hair wink at me.

He then mouthed, "Open it." to me, before turning back to talk to the older man that was sitting across from him, who was scowling at me. What was his problem?

Turning back to the piece of paper, I obeyed him and opened it, seeing the words "You should text me." and then giving a phone number, signed off with -Aidan and a winky face. I blushed a little. This was the first time a random stranger, heck maybe anybody, just gave me their number and told me to text them. 

Seeing Alex returning to the table, I crammed the note into my pocket. He tended to be a little overprotective as my older brother, so I didn't want him to start pummeling random strangers in the middle of a resteraunt, especially before we were given the chance to eat. 

"Anything interesting happen while I was gone?" He asked. I guess he could read my face.

"Nah," I reply coolly, "not really. Just been sitting here, bored."

I heard the guy behind me laugh. Okay this is creepy, is he eavesdropping on my conversation with my brother? That's just rude! I wanted to turn around a smack him, but luckily this "Aidan" guy was leaving with the older man. Yup, he definitely got lucky this time.

"You know them?" Alexander asked me, noticing that I was staring at them as they paid for their food upfront. I guess I'm the one that's being rude now.

I looked away from them, turning my head towards the window to watch cars passby, "Sort of." I said, trying to sound bored about it, to make it sound like the guy was only a classmate or something along those lines. 

"Uh-huh" was all my brother replied, but before he could ask anything more, our food had arrived, which I quickly stuffed my face into. I turned my head back to the window, watching them go out to the parking lot. But then the boy turned around, staring directly at me, making a motion.

He put his hand right next to his ear, making it into a phone, then started to laugh. Now he wants me to call him instead of text him? But then he smiled, sending butterflies into my stomach and I felt my face grow warm, until I felt the icy stare of the man that he is with. I guess that would be his father, probably thinking that I would be a bad influence on his son, even though it looks like he would be the bad influence on me.

"You alright, Annie?" Alexander flicked my head, leaning across the table with his long arms.

I sighed, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired." as I pulled out my phone, along with the note, deciding to actually text the guy, avoiding any precautions of whether he was some psycho rapist or something like that. Obviously the man that he was with seemed to deem me to be the threat, so I guess that was a good sign. Thankfully, my brother was used to me just pulling out my phone and texting when I deemed the conversation to no longer be interesting and that I've done it often enough that he's stopped asking me about who I am texting. 

Annie: Hey, you shouldn't really piss off the man you're with. From the looks of it, he wants to dump you on the side of the road.

Aidan: I was wondering when you'd finally text me ;) I thought the plan changed to call. And don't worry, my father won't do anything like that.

Ah ha! So i was right, that was his father.

Annie: Well good for you. And I'm changing that plan. 

Aidan: And so what is this plan now? ;)

I paused staring at the screen. What is the plan? And for once, I dared to do something adventerous with my life, to take a chance. And possibly for the sake of all those romance novels that I've read, find love? Bah, probably not, I laughed to myself. 

Annie: Let's meet later. Tonight. Springrave Park. 


Sorry if this chapter was confusing, coming straight from screaming in the hospital to being at Skyline chili, but I swear that it will make sense in the upcoming chapters if you haven't guessed what's going on so far. 

Anyway, the picture to the side is how I imagine Aidan would look. 

If you guys have any suggestions, feel free to comment as well as to vote if you enjoy it :) 

Thanks for reading! ~Tambergal

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