3. Invitations

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~{Athanasia's POV}~

It's been around a week since Lucas proposed and nobody has found about it yet. So today I'll be confronting father and the others about mine and Lucas' engagement. The others would probably congratulate us. As for father even if he doesn't agree we could just get married secretly, even though I think he'll say yes

I mean, I know he wouldn't give a thought about it and say yes and then probably  humiliate me in front of everyone about marrying a magician, well that IS the best scenario, plus I barely get invited to balls and parties anyways, though how do confront him about it.

I thought as I was lying down on my bed, but then I suddenly heard a knock on my door. Maybe it's Lucas!!

"Ah! Moirah, what are you here for" Moirah is one of the servants I befriended a while back "hello princess I'm here to send an invitation from, princess Jeannette" The last time I saw Jeannette was at the execution "Really Moirah?" "yes princess"
"Okay, thank you Moirah, good bye" I gave her a smile as she closed the door and walked away.

It was a beautiful letter a bit over the top but still beautiful. I opened the letter and it said;

To: Athanasia

From: Jeannette

Dear Athanasia,
I would like to apologize for the horrible things that happened to you a few weeks ago.
Speaking of that I would like to invite you to tea time with father and me tomorrow afternoon at 03:00. If you choose to say yes a carriage will come to pick you up to bring you to the planned destination. Although no need to accept.
Again I am truly sorry for what happened.

Love, Jeannette

She's so sweet as always but, I don't know how to feel about this. 

On one hand it was all a mistake and I understood his majesty's reaction, I would react the same way if someone I cared about was poisoned (maybe not to that extent but I would be furious).

On the other hand I was publicly humiliated and nearly died and, not to mention this seems more of a formality than sincere but, it's hard to tell. 

Wait...... if fathe- I mean his majesty will also be there then I can tell them about my engagement.
Oh, this is perfect!!

{Small Time skip brought to you by cold mommies}

"are you sure you have to tell them" Lucas asked as I was getting my things ready for tomorrow "Yes I have to, Lucas" "how about we make a deal", I looked up from what ever I was doing to look at him 

"what do you mean Lucas?" "I'm saying, if his majesty is in a bad mood before  you tell him about our engagement, you won't tell him about anything" I thought about it for a bit and agreed "deal" I said, then Lucas kissed me on the forehead before leaving and said "be careful and don't try to push it, I'll put a protection spell on you just incase som-" I elbowed him "do you really, have to do that?" I questioned, as it really didn't really seem all that necessary. "It's just for protection, princess" he said as he walked away.

"I love you" I said, kind of shouting as he was leaving "I love you too, princess and goodnight" "goodnight" I said in a lower voice than before but, I was sure Lucas heard me.
"Lily, do you think I should do this" I asked her as she was helping me with my dress

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