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Later... Bunzo returned to his secret hideaway area thingy to see Y/n asleep on a pile of pillows

"Awww... she's so gorgeous when she sleeps."

Bunzo ended up sitting next to her and soon fell asleep.

::Time skip brought to you by me writing this late at night::

Y/n woke up to see a huge sleeping bunny next to her snoring adorably.

"Awww... He's so adorable when he sleeps."

By saying this, Y/n accidentally woke Bunzo up

"W-What!? MOMMY STAY AWAY FROM ME! O-oh hi Y/n!"

"Haha, Hi Bunzo." I pet the top of his head.

"Uhuhuhu~ Your not getting away with that!"

Bunzo started to pet your head.

"Nooo, you got me!"

"Not until I get... REVENGE!"

Y/n started to chase Bunzo around the room trying to pet him on the head

::(Time skip) This went on for about 5 minutes straight::

"H-hey, you know Y/n, you are the best person I've ever met and I've met a LOT of people throughout my life"

"Awww... thanks Bunzo!"

"But the main thing I wanted to tell you is..."






*Surprised Pikachu face* "R-Really!?"


Bunzo suddenly blushed a dark red

"You know what?"

Y/n started blushing too

"I... like you too!"


For a full 20 seconds, neither of the two said a word.

Bunzo then suddenly ran up and hugged Y/n

It wasn't long until Y/n hugged back.

And this is only the BEGINNING of their relationship.

((256 Words))

Bunny Boy | Bunzo x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now