Crazy Story: Truly, Sincere

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     The tips of her fingers shuffled through the stack of envelopes, seeing a repeat of different companies yet same demands. As she quickly flipped through, her mind was able to separate what bills she knew she had leeway on. She put the gas bill and credit cards to the back of her mind knowing she was still in a grace period to pay before it's reported to her credit as late. Most of the bills were still in a grace period, KJ's new raise from his job bringing in a extra bit of money now that she'd stopped dancing. Only the extra money coming in now from his raise wasn't enough, one of the last past due notices in her stack being for the rent. 

     "Shit," She set the stack of bills down, keeping the pink slip with her as she quickly logged into her bank account to see what money she could pull for the minimum payment to make the notice go away. 

     If she'd decided to check the mail before doing her house errands, she'd only be about a hundred short of the money. Unfortunately, instead the rent money went to Huggies and Enfamil. 

     Some kind of nervousness began to fill within her, feeling a need to solve the problem without needing KJ's help since he was kinda' maxed out on help at the moment. She could always call her older sister, but Love had her own kids to take care of and she was always saving her ass. At this point she had two other lifelines. 

     She left her bank app, going to her contacts to find their name. She pressed the phone against her ear, taking a quick peep towards the direction of her and KJ's room as if he'd woken up already. 

     There was a couple rings before she picked up, "Hello?" Roxy's Detroit accent piped through the speaker, Sin being able to make out loud club music and voices in her background. A smirk etched itself onto Sin's face. She knew if the club was hittin' for something tonight she could have rent money before the sun came back up.

     "Bitch, it's lit?" You could hear the excitement in her voice. She wouldn't admit it out loud, especially not with KJ in the other room, but she missed the club bad. She missed having her own bag. She missed the late night money counts. Shit, KJ could clock in for as much overtime as he wished, but no check was touching her stripper money. 

     "As fuck. Y'know er'body and they daddy in here for the game tonight." Roxy mentioned he same game KJ had been in the room watching. Her eyes traveled back to their bedroom door, planning her escape plan.

     Really, she could leave right now. She never unpacked her stripper bag since she left the club, keeping it in her car. She always thought about the time when this would come, when she would need to go back. Maybe that's why her last weekend wasn't as sad for her as it'd been for the other girls seeing her go. She always knew she'd be back. It was just a matter of when. 

     Her mind was already settled now. She had sets of floss and heels in her car, only thing missing is makeup. Her natural face had some active acne and hyperpigmentation she'd usually cover up with concealer. But her makeup bag had been in their bathroom, and she didn't want to risk him asking her questions once he'd see her getting ready. She looked away from their room, her teeth pinching her lip between them as she finally made up her mind.

     "Ask L'il if I can pop out tonight. Tell him I'm 5 lights away." 

     "Bitch fuck L'il, come get this bag." Roxy voice got distant before the call disconnected. Sin laughed after, some nervousness within her as she had to carry out the next steps of her plan to make it come through. 

     KJ would start some shit with her if she told him straight up she was going out tonight. He never liked her being a stripper. He hated it even more when she didn't slow down after the baby. He thought the raise at his job was bargain enough, enough for her to leave that chapter of her past fully behind her. She told herself it wasn't enough. She told herself being at the club is what she had to do for her family. Not for herself. Not because she hoped she could see him there. 

Crazy Story: Sincerely, (King Von Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now