Once in a Lifetime

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It was the first period of the USA versus Italy game, and team USA was already up 6-0. Despite their run in with the Iceland team a few days ago, they had managed to not let it go to their heads. They continued working hard during practice, playing their type of hockey. It's what they used to call Duck hockey, but they weren't the Ducks anymore. They weren't some peewee team from Minnesota, they representing their country. 

It was the usual domination by team USA. Fulton and Dean were slamming all the Italy players to the ground or into the boards. Goldberg got yelled at by Coach Bombay for heckling an opposing player after he had stopped their shot. Fulton's slapshot had earned them yet another goal, making it 7-0. 

By the end of the game, they were now 2-0 in the tournament. They had beat Italy 11-0, with hat tricks by both Adam and Ellie. It was a great day to be apart of Team USA. At this moment, they felt unstoppable. They were going home with gold and nothing was going to get in their way, even the Iceland team. 

Following yesterday's win, the team had the day off and was able to do some exploring around Los Angeles. Dwayne, Goldberg, Averman, and Jesse had decided to go to Beverly Hills. Dwayne thought Rodeo Drive meant there was actually going to be a rodeo and Jesse thought they would be seeing hills, since it was called Beverly Hills. They were so excited when they were leaving the dorms, Ellie didn't have the heart to tell them what they would actually be experiencing. 

As promised back in Minnesota, Adam and Ellie were going to be spending the day together. The two hopped on a bus and were headed to the Santa Monica Pier. As soon as they stepped foot on the pier, Ellie was in awe. How could Minnesota not have something like this? Sure, there was the amusement park rides in the Mall of America, but it wasn't the same thing. All of the rides looked over the ocean, something she had yet to see. Despite being a cake-eater, Ellie had only been to a handful of states outside of Minnesota, none of them being near the ocean. This was already one of the best days of her life. 

"Let's go!" She dragged Adam into the pier, wanting to go on every ride and play every game. Moments like these feel like once in a lifetime, so Ellie was going to take advantage of their day. Plus, the disposable camera she had brought would help them remember this day for the rest of their lives.

First on the agenda was the rollercoaster. Ellie was a strong believer in the idea that rollercoasters must always be ridden first. Adam didn't care either way, only caring about Ellie being happy. The way her face lit up while they were in line was all he needed. Their screams that came out while on the ride were ones of pure joy. The two loved playing hockey, but it was nice being able to enjoy a day off and embrace what California had to offer. 

"Smile!" Ellie had been taking photos of Adam nonstop throughout the day, but she couldn't help herself. He looked so cute today and it was nice to see him bring out his goofy side, rather than being serious all the time while they were playing hockey. 

"Okay, okay. I think you've taken enough of me. Let me take some of you." Adam takes the camera from her hands and starts taking photos of his girlfriend. With a smile on her face, the breeze blowing through her brown hair, Adam knew he had just captured the perfect picture. She was radiating pure joy. He knew Ellie was going to get the pictures printed as soon as they got back to Minnesota, and this was one was getting framed. His room may already be filled with photos of the two of them from over the years, but that wasn't going to stop him from adding another one. 

"Excuse me? Could you take our picture?" Ellie asks some strangers walking by. They had yet to get a picture of the two of them. She was sure that the majority of the roll would be filled with pictures of Adam, which she didn't mind (a few will be getting framed and maybe she'll give some to Adam's mom), but she also wanted some of the two of them. 

After a couple of photos was snapped of them, they made their way to where the games were. Of course, it became a friendly competition to see who could win more games. It was easy for Ellie to accept defeat, as Adam had won her a teddy bear, to which she had decided to name Banksy

As the sun was setting, the two made their way to the ferris wheel. What could be more beautiful than watching the sunset from the ferris wheel? While Ellie's eyes watched the color changing sky, Adam's eyes were on her. Sure the California sunset was beautiful, but to Adam, nothing would ever be more beautiful than the girl sitting next to him. 

"Thank you for today, Adam. It was perfect," Ellie tells him, as they were stopped at the top of the ferris wheel. Adam may or may not have slipped the person in charge of the ride ten dollars to make it happen. This day was truly perfect. There was nothing better than getting to spend an entire day with each other. 

"I'd do anything for you, Ellie. I love you." Now that those three words had been spoken, Adam couldn't stop saying them. He just loved being able to say it, and he loved how it sounded when it came out of Ellie's mouth. He didn't care that they were only thirteen or if people thought they were crazy for saying they were in love. Adam knew how he felt about Ellie and it wasn't going to change. He was wholeheartedly, head over heels, in love with the girl he got to call his best friend and girlfriend. 

Author's Note:

Adam Banks really do be setting the bar high for boyfriend's everywhere!!! Everyone deserves an Adam Banks tbh. Don't settle ladies!! Get you a man who stares at you while you stare at the sunset. 

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