You Wanna Play Some Real Hockey?

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12AM. Ellie was sat awake in bed, anticipating a knock on her window that was to come any second. Not even half a second later, the knocks had started. She jumped out of bed and awaiting her was her boyfriend. They had started this tradition a few years ago, knocking on each other's window at midnight when it was either of their birthdays. The reason being they wanted to be the first one to say happy birthday. 

"Hey, birthday girl!" Adam greets his girlfriend, hopping into her bedroom. He had turned thirteen a few months ago and now it was finally her turn. The present in his hand was gifted to Ellie and he placed a kiss on her lips. Ever since they started dating, kissing Ellie was one of Adam's favorite things to do. Fireworks erupting every time, a feeling he would never get tired of. Not everyone gets to date their best friend, so he considered himself one of the lucky ones. 

"You got me new rollerblades?" Ellie asks, shocked. A new pair was what she had been needing. She had been talking to Adam about getting a new pair, but kept forgetting to ask her parents to take her to the store. 

"Yeah! Your old pair don't fit you anymore and now you don't need to keep borrowing my old ones. You can break them in when we play later today." Ellie practically jumps onto Adam, wrapping her arms around him and knocking them both to the floor in the process. 

"Thank you, Adam. I love them." She shows her appreciation by kissing him. Ellie was incredibly grateful to have such a caring boyfriend. She was the luckiest girl in the world to have Adam.  

It was a warm summer afternoon in Minnesota, and Adam and Ellie were practicing their hockey skills in Adam's driveway. Adam fakes a shot and skates around Ellie, scoring a goal. He laughs as his girlfriend pouts while he skates around her, celebrating his goal. This is how the two had spent most of the summer. Their world's revolved around hockey and each other. But that didn't mean they didn't do anything else. They went out and did normal teenager things like going to the mall or watching movies. Anything to spend time togehter, just the two of them. 

"Just because it's your birthday doesn't mean I'm gonna take it easy on you," Adam tells her and places a kiss on her cheek. Ellie decides to use this as an opportunity and take the puck while Adam wasn't paying attention, scoring herself a goal. 

"Who said you had to take it easy on me?" Ellie challenges, skating up to her boyfriend. Adam laughs and uses his hockey stick to pull her in closer, it now resting on her back. The space between the two was now gone. Adam leans down ready to kiss her. 

Before his lips could touch hers, the familiar Duck call had turned their attention away from each other and to their friends who were standing in the street. "Hey cake-eaters, you wanna play some real hockey?" Jesse says smirking, along with the rest of the Ducks. They definitely interrupted the two on purpose. If Connie and Guy didn't get to have their kiss neither did Ellie and Adam. 

"Yeah!" Adam responds, a crack in his voice due to going through puberty. Ellie snickers behind him, but she couldn't help but think it was adorable. Poor boy was getting hit hard by puberty. 

The two joined the group and made their way through the park to get Fulton. "Guys, it's an international competition. It's us against the world." Charlie and finished informing Adam and Ellie that they were going to be competing in the Junior Goodwill Games, playing as team USA.

"Hey, man, bring 'em on. We're ready!" Goldberg says, responding to Adam. Jesse slaps Goldberg on the back, causing him to lose his balance on the skates on roll down the hill. Ellie and Adam look at each other and shrug. He'll be fine. 

The group looks at Fulton, who had finished tying up Larson, McGill and another Hawks player. The three were tied to a tree with no shirts or pants on, leaving them in their underwear. "That'll teach ya to mess with the Ducks! Yeah!" Fulton cheered and so did the rest of the team. The Hawks were clearly still butthurt about their loss. 

The team had made their way back to Coach Bombay, who was anxiously awaiting his team's return. "Coach! Coach! Coach! Coach! Coach!" The group cheered as they circled around him, happy to have him back and ready to play under him again. 

"Welcome back, Ducks! I really missed you guys. Are you ready to fly?" Just as Hans taught them, Ducks fly together. They had proven themselves once by winning the state championship, now it was time to prove what they could do as Team USA in the Goodwill Games. 

Suddenly, a limo pulls up and everyone was in shock. Asking who could possibly in there and just in awe as the limo approaches them. A man sticks his head out of the sunroof, greeting the kids. "Hey, guys! I'm Don Tibbles. Hendrix Hockey Apparel. We're your official sponsors. Anybody want a card?"

"Yeah!" Everyone says, grabbing a card from Mr. Tibbles. Ellie giggled as she read the card. Tibbles is such an unfortunate last name. However, he was riding around in a limo, so he seemed to be making good money. Ellie and Adam looked at the card together, wondering how the sponsorship with Hendrix was going to go. They had never been sponsored before, so this was a whole new world for them. However, this new world seemed to be a way to open new opportunities for them. 

Author's Note:

We have officially entered the world of D2! Can't wait to see what Ellie, Adam, and the rest of the Ducks get up to as they get ready for the Junior Goodwill Games in Los Angeles

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