The Fight

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Nightmare got up from where he had been sitting and walked to the door closest to him and motioned for Dream to follow him
Dream followed after nightmare while smirking.
Dream hadn't used his new powers, and he was excited to test them against an immortal.
Nightmare stood on one side of the gym like room and gulped down a bottle of water.
"Are you ready Dream Sans?"-Nightmare
"Yes, Nightmare Sans, I am ready for this fight."-Dream
The two circled each other
It seemed like it had been awhile when Dream launched his first attack, which was some gold bullets coming for Nightmare. Nightmare didn't think Dream had powers like that, so he was caught by a few bullets, but mainly In his tentacles.
Nightmare sent his tentacles towards Dream with speed and sharpness. Dream easily doged the attack with time to spare. Dream summoned tentacles and sent them towards nightmare. Nightmare was so shocked, that Dream was able to wrap and restrain him. Dream lifted Nightmare up and right above him.
"How does it feel to be beaten so easily, Nightmare Sans? Do you like the sliminess and the burning? Can you imagine being attacked relentlessly with them for no reason except for greed? How do you like feeling so pathetic and useless? Like a ragdoll that could just be flung into the trash?"-Dream
Dream was staring at Nightmare with cruel eyes. Nightmare didn't know how to respond, and he couldn't move or look away from this ruined positive creature.
"Would you like to feel how I felt? Good."-Dream
Dream filled Nightmare's limbs with magic to make it to where he couldn't fight back. He then flung nightmare to the ground, causing Nightmare to slide against the floor. Dream then pierced through Nightmare's bone limbs, and made illusions of Nightmare's worst fears, and made him visit his worst memories. After Nightmare had passed out from over stimulation, Dream Healed Nightmare and took him to Dream's hideout that was located in his head.  Dream then laid Nightmare down on one of his beds, and covered him with a weighted blanket. Then Dream went to his bed and fell into a Dreamless sleep.
Nightmare woke up the next morning before Dream did, and remembered all that had happened the day before. Nightmare was trying to gather the fact that Dream was definitely the most powerful entity in the Omniverse. But Nightmare couldn't help but not feel fear, he somehow knew that Dream wouldn't hurt him again. If Dream truly wanted him to be hurt, Nightmare wouldn't be so comfortable and healed. Nightmare felt strange here. He couldn't feel any emotions from anywhere, and Nightmare felt blissful and calm. Nightmare could tell Dream was in a room from across the one he was located at, but he couldn't make any sense of it. Nightmare thought back to the fight from yesterday, recalling how Dream had used powers just like Nightmare had. Nightmare felt guilt, because he had put Dream through that every day, over and over. Dream woke up and walked across the hall to where his brother should be. He saw that nightmare had been awake for awhile, and was just chilling.
"Would you like some ......"

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