Uno Reverse

537 19 4

Dream had to leave Error's antivoid; He needed to get ready to stalk the emo skeleton dude that was "stalking him oh so secretly ".
Dream was gonna pull a uno reverse on Nightmare's subordinate.
Dream knew the Emo skeleton thought he was being quiet and secretive, but his fat cankle bones made too much noise for him, and the emo didn't know that Dream had very good hearing.
Dream put his brother's cape and crown into a shoe box, and put on clothes similar to classic's, but instead of a blue jacket, it was gray.
Dream dimmed his eyelights to where they looked brown.
Dream looked at himself in the mirror, and he was proud of his disguise 🥸.
He heard the Emo make a portal and walking towards his house, Dream teleported onto his roof. He watched the Emo break into his house.
Dream wanted to have some fun, so he floated down to the door, and knocked 6 times.
He could hear crashing in the house.
Then a portal being made, but dream used his magic to make it disappear, and made the emo not be able to move or use his magic.
Dream calmly walked into the house, then stood infront of the emo.
The Emo looked surprised, he could tell this was Dream, the skeleton he was supposed to be stalking.
"Hello, I am Dream, a weak little kid, and you broke into my house."-Dream
-Wait, is he for real....a kid?-Killers thoughts
"No, Mr.Emo, I am not actually a kid, I am 736 years old, while you are only 194 years. And what is your name, and don't lie, I know you are one of Nightmare's subordinates. I know that you were assigned to stalk me, I just want your name, from your 'mouth'."-Dream
-Killer was speechless until he snapped out of it.
"Well, since you would like to know my name, it was Sans, but now I have adopted the name "Killer".
"Hmmmmm...That is very suiting. Anyways, I will come with you, and say 'Hello' to my dear brother."
-Killer 'thought' for a few seconds, but he came to know that he didn't really have much of a choice, Dream was obviously much stronger than himself.
"Okay, I will, but can I just have a kiss as a reward?"-Killer finished the sentence with one of his flashiest smiles
Dream rolled his eyes, but he gave killer a kiss, on his hand.
Killer was shocked, he wasn't expecting Dream to actually do it.
Killer's face (?) turned really pink.
Dream let Killer go, then killer made a portal to the Fun squad's base.
Killer walked through, and Dream made his disguise disappear, and followed Killer like he had all the confidence in the world.
The whole squad was in the throne room, including Nightmare, and they looked at Dream dumbfounded.

Dream SansTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon