trump x your mother

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it's been years since i udpated this but i have nothing else to do in science class SO I WILL UPDATE THIS EVEN THO IT'S FINISHED PLS ENJOY THIS <3

it all took place on one peaceful friday night, you were coming home from school to your little house feeling very tired and ready to sleep. but litle did you know you would gte no sleep at all!!!

"mooooom im hooooooooooooome" you yelled as you entered the front dor

there was no reply.

"mommy?!" you ask, feeling anxious, "where are you?"

still no reply.

oh wel that sucks but like you werent gonna waste your time searching for her bc you had better things to do with your time. you went upstairs to your room (if your room isnt upstairs irl shut the fuck up bc it is now idc if this isnt accurate) and flopped onto yiur bed like a fish. school was very tiring today and all yo wanted to do was sleep. you buried your head into your pillow and closed your eyes, attempting to sleep.


what the fuckity fuck was that!!! you opened your eyes in an instant and sat up in your bed. it sounded like....


you rolled down the stairs in a hurry to see what the sound was. it sounded like the person was in pain, were they okay? you tried to open your mom's room door but it was locked. how strange, she never locked her door. what if she was hurting this person?!?

"moOOOOM!!!" you scream, "what are you doing?!?!?"

"MPNMHPMNHPMHMPH" the noises continue, the person sounded like they were in so much pain!!!

with all your strength, you kick the door down like in those super cool movies. your eyes widen in shock. your jaw falls to floor. this was not what you were expecting. at all.

"DONADL TURMP?!??!?!?!?!?!" yuo yell in surprise.

you start to blush and cutely piss yourself. blushing, you look at trumpy wumpy who was getting cock and ball tortured by your mother, it looked painful but trumpy seemed like he was enjoying himself. your mother was so mommy dommy!!! you hadn't seen this side of her before!!! 

"m-mommy..." you gasp, "i-i-i didn't know you were like this!"

"y/n, it's not what it looks like!!!" your mother says, blsuhing.

tump continues to moan even tho his dick looked like it was about to fall of. it looked like a little shrivelled carot.

"im just gona leave now," you say, needing a moment to process all of tjis

turmp looked at you and waved goodbye while whimpering. what the actual fuck did ylu just witness. what an experience.

the end

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