Chapter 1

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As I made my way up the stairs to my apartment I began to feel the exhaustion hit me.  Being a doctor/ preschool teacher in New York is never ending.  I am beyond grateful I have tomorrow off from both jobs.  Once I make it to my floor I drag myself to my door.  Taking a deep breath I unlock it and step inside.  I bask in the silence for a moment before I realize somethings wrong.  My dogs should have tackled me by now.  Shaking off the sleepy haze I silently shut the door and grab the gun from under the entry table.  My older brother insists I have several as a precaution and requires I go shooting with him monthly.  I remove my shoes to silence my steps  and begin  cautiously clearing each room of my apartment.  The only room left is my master and so far nothing.  As I reach for the handle I hear shuffled footsteps from the other side.  On instinct I step back and take aim.  My eyes laser focus as I watch the knob turn.  Moving my finger onto the trigger I prepare myself to shoot the intruder.  

The door finally swings open and I hear a sharp gasp of surprise.  Then my eyes lock onto ones I know too well.

"For fucks sake Clint!" I scream as I lower my weapon "I could have killed you!"

"Junie!  That's no language to be using as a preschool teacher." he chuckles "I'm sorry I scared you."  I see a smirk slowly grow on his face "Well done though.  I didn't hear you at all."  I huff but chuckle in response.

"I learned from the best."  I say shyly.  His smirk turns to a wide grin as he pulls me into a hug and kisses the crown of my head like he always has.  "What are you doing here anyway? Also, where the fuck are my dogs?"  He pulls away sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck. "Damnit! You're using me as a safehouse aren't you?"  He sighed heavily before responding.

"Junie, I know I promised to never do this again but we had nowhere else to go."

"WE?!" I shriek angrily "Who else is with you? And again, where the fuck are my dogs?!" 

"Junie," he begins "Bucky, Steve, and Nat are with me.  They took the dogs to the dog spa and on a nice long hike.  They should be back soon with dinner.  I had them go so I could explain and give you time to process.  You got back much later than I expected though."

"Don't blame me for being late!  I was in emergency tonight and you know things come up last minute.  I'm always late when I work E.R." I grumble.

"I know." he sighs again "They will be here any minute.  I know how unhappy you are but please just let us stay until it's safe.  You can even give us chores to help out."  Damn that did sound nice.  Maybe Bucky can help with the venomous snakes since he's got a metal arm.

Just as the idea settles I hear my front door open.  "Please Junie-bug?" Clint pleads in a whisper.  

"Fine." I sigh "But chores will be assigned.  They will include the danger noodle room."

"Thanks Bug." he breathes "I'm not doing the danger noodles though.  I'll do the other reptiles."  He laughs with a wink as he leads the way to the living room, dragging me behind him.  

When we make it to the living room I am immediately tackled by my three labs.  "Hey my good boys!" I laugh as they nearly suffocate me with love.  When they finally let me up I quickly move to the kitchen getting their food set up.  Then call them in to eat trying to not acknowledge the new people as per usual.  "Cap, Sarge, Gunny come eat!" I shout.  All three bound happily to me and sit waiting for the release command quietly.  That's when I hear hysterical laughter heading my way. "At ease." I call to the dogs who happily start eating as I see Clint and Nat stumble into the kitchen laughing.  "What's so funny?" I ask.

"Juniper, this is Natasha. he splutters as Bucky and Steve enter looking embarrassed.  And this is Steve and Bucky.  You would know them as Black Widow, Captain America, and the Winter Soldier."  Nat and Clint once again began to laugh loudly.

"We can Steve and Bucky by shortened names in the field.  They happen to be Cap and Sarge.  Nat explained between giggles "When you called the dogs they snapped to attention like they were back in the Army all over again."  I sneak a glance back at the men who are now tomato red with their heads hanging.

"Oh." I say stunned.  I had forgotten they were Army.  Damn command voice made them uncomfortable. Sigh.

After a few more minutes of giggles I see the dogs have finished eating and decide to continue like my normal routine to escape the awkward tension.

"Gunny, lead on." I call and he leads the dog train to their beds in the living room.  I follow close behind and give the command for them to go to bed, chuckling to myself at what the soldiers must be thinking. "Man down."  Once all three are comfy I go back to the kitchen with a smile.  Steve and Bucky are aghast at the commands.  Nat and Clint are smirking while setting the table.

"Hi, I'm Juniper Barton.  Clint is my older brother.  It's nice to finally meet you three, even under these circumstances." I say kindly "It has been a very long day though.  So let's sit down and we can chat over dinner before I pass out, likely on the couch."  They nod their agreement and we all sit down quietly before making up our plates quickly.

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