Bonus Chapter

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"Mom!" Lydia came rushing in the family kitchen.

She came in front of Lilliana and stopped. The big grin on her face evidence to something major had happened.

"What?" Lilliana asked.

In response, Lydia showed the engagement ring sitting on her ring finger. Lilliana processed it for a few moments before squealing loudly and hugging her daughter,

"Finally! Stefan, Nik and I have been waiting for so long. Even though they both are a little protective over you and Izzie but that doesn't matter does it? Did he ask permission from both of them before asking. Oh my god they are going to be so mad if Nathan didn't-

" Mom calm down! Nathan did ask. He told me when we were walking back home. He knows what would happen if he didn't." Lydia laughed.

The 'Nathan' in question was Lydia's boyfriend, now fiancée. The couple had met in one of the galas hosted by the school a few years back for the supernatural community and began dating a few months later.

The girl's reaction was quite what was expected. Everybody had congratulated Lydia and told her she was lucky over the pretty ring that Nathan had proposed her with. Hope had jokingly told Lydia that she hoped to be an aunt soon to which all the girls had agreed.

" Have you told Alec, and both the dads. Im pretty sure Nathan is in for a lecture from them when they hear about this." Izzy chuckled. 

" What haven't you told us? A voice asked from the door. 

Lilliana smiled and turned around. " That my dear husband, is the question you should ask Lydia." 

Stefan threw a questioning glance at Lydia while Alec searched her hands, catching on.

"No way." Alec mumbled, went in and hugged Lydia.

After the hug, Lydia held up her hand for Stefan to see.

His eyes widened but then returned to normal. "Congrats."

A few days later they told Niklaus. His calm reaction was not expected at all.

It was final, Lydia Morningstar Salvatore Mikaelson was engaged to be married.


a/n - hi! omg this was such a reckless idea but this book completed one year days back. i had decided to publish it then but didn't complete it. this book will forever have a special place in my heart. idk if i would do more of this.

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