The Aftermath

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I opened my eyes. My head feels foggy. It hurts too. I looked around the room. It's a strange place. I've never been here before. There is a table and arm chair in the corner of the room.
Where am I?
This wasn't my bedroom.
Am I? Am I in hospital?
Why am I in hospital?

I look around again. I have a cannula in my left arm, hooked up to a tube and a IV bag.
I had stickers on my chest, plugged up to a machine next to me, beeping ever time my heart beats.
I wasn't even in my clothes or pajamas.
I'm in a horrible itchy night gown.

I'm trying to think of the last thing I remember.
Oh shit! I was at the circuit!.
Where is he?. Is he ok?

I look around and see if I can find a button to press.
I need to call a doctor or nurse. Just to tell me why I am here in the first place and to help me find Gee

I find a red buzzer on a lead attached to the wall. I press it about fourteen times and hoping someone comes.

I touch my forehead.
Ouch!. That really hurts!

The door opens. Ray walks in.

I shuffle in my bed and try and get out.

"Hey!. Stay there. They are still monitoring you" he says in a stern voice.

"Why am I here Ray?. Where is Gee?. Tell me what happened!" I sob to him.

He sits on my bed and wraps his arms around me.

"You passed out shortly after the accident and you hit your head really badly on the concrete." He explained.
"You wouldn't wake up so they brought you here to watch over you until you regained consciousness "

"What about Gee?. Please tell me he's ok!" I said in a quivering voice as my eyes started to fill up.

"Erm, erm" Ray said stumbling on his words.
"He's ok. It was a close call. We lost him for a moment. He had a punctured lung and needed surgery. He's still in recovery, has a broken leg and three broken ribs...but he's ok"

"Oh my god Ray" I squeezed on to him tightly, sobbing into his shoulder.
"When can I go see him?" I asked.

"I think the doctor will be in to see you soon to discharge you now you are awake. You have been doing really well and they are happy with the way you are recovering. You and Gee are a tough couple!" He smiled.

"I just want to see him" I sniffled. "I want to be with him when he wakes up".

The door opens and we both look over. Frank walks in.

"Hey you are awake!" He cheers. "Thank fuck for that. You went down hard!"

He came over and hugged me.

"I just spoke to Gerard's doctor. They are really pleased with how the surgery went. They have got the results back from the scan and no brain injuries or damage. He's gonna be fine!" He smiled at me and hugged me again.

"How are you both doing? How is Mikey?" I ask them.

"Mikey is sitting with Gee until you can get down there. Then he is going to get some sleep" explain Frank. "We have all been awake all night.

"Did you want anything to eat or drink?" asked Ray.

He walked around the bed and grabbed me a bottle of water from the table, undone the lid and passed it to me.

"You need to stay hydrated" he laughed

"Stop being so nice to me. You are making me nervous with all this nice nurse treatment" I said, still with a quiver in my voice.

"Sorry" Ray said bashfully. "Just want to make sure you ok. You are fragile"

A nurse and doctor walk into the room.
Frank and Ray walk over to the corner of the room so the doctor can talk to me.

"Hello, I'm Dr Benson. I've been treating you" he smiled

He had a kind face. Dressed in a white coat with his name badge and picture attached. The nurse was young. Maybe early 20's. She smiled at me too.

"Am I ok to leave yet?" I asked.

"Yes, as soon as Nurse Adams has took out your cannula and removed all the ECG monitoring, you are free to go" he smiled at me again.
"Just make sure both of you are looked after. No more accidents"

I look over and Ray and Frank then turn back to Dr Benson

"Have you been looking after Gerard too?" I asked.

"Who's Gerard?" He looked puzzled.

"My boyfriend. He was in a car accident. He had surgery and is in recovery". I looked at him

"No, I'm strictly assigned to the woman's ward. He would probably be in the surgical recovery ward" he answered me.

"But, said both" I looked at him weirdly.

"Yes, you and your baby" he smiled

My eyes widened.
I'm pregnant??

I look over at the guys again

"Did you not know?" Asks Frank

"No!" I gasped. "How far along am I?"

"About 12 weeks" replied Dr Benson

Holy shit! I'm pregnant.

I'm pregnant with Gerard's baby. I could of lost them both in one day. Holy fuck!

"Woah, I'm in complete shock" I lay back on the bed. "I need to see Gee when he wakes up"

The nurse comes and takes everything off what is attached to my chest and slowly removes my cannula.

"You are free to go and see your boyfriend now" Dr Benson smiled. "Makes sure you all take care"

"We will make sure doctor" said Ray as he helped me off the bed into a wheelchair.

"I will push her to Gee" shouted Frank with a cheeky smile.

"No Frank!" Said Ray in a very serious voice. "Doctor said no more accidents. Which means no racing through the corridors with a wheelchair"

Frank looked hurt but then giggled as he realised Ray was right.

"Ray?. Take me to Gerard" I pleaded.

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