The First Date

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We turned a corner into a long gravel driveway. It must of been about a quarter of a mile long.
Slowly traveling down the stoney road, trees either side of us. In the distance, an old looking building appeared, getting bigger as they got closer.

It looked like a palace!.
I laughed "Are you taking me for tea with the Queen?"

"No, something much more better" he replied.

As we got outside the building, I noticed a signboard outside.

'La Casa Italiana'

An Italian restaurant. Very classy.

Gee parked the car in the allocated parking spot, got out and ran round to the passenger side to open the door for me.

"My love, welcome to dinner" he smiled. The biggest grin on his face that made his eyes crinkle more than normal.
I wonder what else tonight will have in store.

We walked through the entrance to a woman standing by a wooden stand.

"Table booked for two, the name will be Mr Way" he spoke to the woman.

She smiled and replied "right this way Mr Way"

She led us through the restaurant, passing tables of other couples eating their food and drinking wine.

We walked through a double set of doors out into a little cobbled floor courtyard.

There was a wooden gazebo built over it, covered with wild ivy and tiny little fairy lights.

I then noticed a few tall piller candles scattered on the floor in groups, lit up and giving off a romantic hue.

The woman pointed us to a single table in the middle of the courtyard. Just one lone table and two chairs.

Gerard pull a chair from the table and I sat down. He then joined me from the other seat

"Here are your menus. Enjoy your evening" said the woman politely.
She turned and walked away, through the double doors and closed them behind her.

"Did you plan all this?" I asked. "It's absolutely stunning!"

"I did" he replied. "I want to do something special for the special person in my life".

I started blushing and then let out a little giggle.

I opened the menu and looked at all the delicious food listed that we could eat.

Wild mushroom ravioli
Courgette and lemon tagliatelle
Tomato and basil penne

I'm in pasta heaven, and the desserts listed sound even more fantastic

I look over at Gerard and he is licking his lips as he reads the menu. I can't help but giggle at him as he looks like he's having a hard time choosing what to eat.

A little voice appeared from behind us

"Can I take your order?" Said the short dark haired waiter

"Yes, could I have the wild mushroom ravioli and the tomato pesto salad please?" I replied at him

"That sounds fantastic, I will have the same" piped up Gerard.

We give the waiter our menus and he walks off to handle our order.

Gerard puts his hands on the table and grabs mine that are sitting next to my wine glass.

"I'm so glad we are doing this. I just want to sit and look at you all night" he says to me softly.

"How will you eat your food then?" I say jokingly.

He squeezes my hand and laughs. He knows I'm a joker, especially when I'm in sensible situations.

We talk for a bit more about life, books and the comic that Gerard has now started writing.

The door opens and our waiter brings over two plates of rich smelling ravioli.

We take no time in biting into the pasta and the aroma of garlic fills the air.

"God job we have both got the same, you won't mind kissing me if your breath smells the same" he laughs.

He's so cheeky!

We finish our meals and order another bottle of wine.
Gerard pours me a glass and then raises his.

"To us" he says while he clinks his glass to mine. " The future definitely looks bright with you in my life"

I start to blush and I have the most stupid of grins on my face.
I think I'm falling for this guy in front of me.
I can't stop looking at his eyes as he is talking to me. I look at his mouth and just imagine my lips against his.
I just want to grab him and run my fingers through his hair.

"I really want to say something to you tonight, that's why I have brought you here" he says, his eyes looking deep into mine.

"I think I'm falling for you. Ever since I first met you, I knew you were special"
He says, then carries on talking
"When we kissed, I felt electricity go through my body and I knew that I needed to be with you"

I sit quiet, listening to every word he is saying

"After my divorce, I didn't think I would find someone again, let alone have this spark with someone. Then I met you"

He eyes start to get watery and glassy
He shakes his head and laughs

"Woah I didn't think I would be able to say something so deep, but I just can't help but tell you how I feel about you"

I put my arms on the table and take his hands into mine

"Gerard, I completely understand. I understand because I feel the exact same way" I told him.

His eyes water up even more. He's so much more sensitive than what people think.

He starts to smile, the corners of his mouth begin to get bigger and bigger.

"That makes me so happy to hear" he says

I smile back at him. All I want to do is grab his cheeks softly and kiss those lips. I want to put my hands all over his body. I want him inside of me.

The woman from the front desk opens the door to our courtyard restaurant.

"Mr Way?. Your room is all ready for you. It's number 110. Straight up the main stairs and to your left" she tells him.
She walks over and places a hotel room key on the table.

I look over at Gerard, my eyes wide open.
"Gee, I don't have any sleeping stuff with me" I whisper to him

"I don't think you will be sleeping much" he says with a wink

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