09. Believe Me, I know

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- Skylar Miller - 

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- Skylar Miller - 

Once I reached the shore, I scanned the beach for my sisters long, blonde hair.

But when I saw no sign of her, I panicked.

If she was stuck in that storm, she would die.

"Summer!" I yelled, panic lacing my tone, as I walked towards the edge of the water. Nothing changed, besides the howling on the wind becoming more prominent.

Should I go back in, or should I get help?

"SUMMER!" I screamed one last time, hoping for something to change, but when it didn't, I sprinted towards the house.

I frantically tried to unlock the back door, relief flooding me for a second when I got it open. I then ran into the kitchen, seeing the people I had been hiding from, but that would have to wait.

This was about Summer.

"Shane, Summer is out there!" I shouted out, turning back towards the back door as soon as I had let the words leave my mouth. I could feel my chest heaving up and down as my heart beat erratically. 

"No, she is not. She's still in her room" Shane said, as he grabbed my wrist in a firm grip before I could go any further. I was prepared for the usual slap or command to 'stand in the corner and face the wall'. 

"You don't understand! She came with me for a surf this morning, but it was getting too rough, so we decided to head back in, but she's not there" I then grabbed onto Grayson and Blake's hands, as Shane held my wrist.

"She said she was going for a walk, so she's definitely not here" Luke inputted. "Just help her" I begged, tears streaming down my cheeks, as I tugged them towards the beach.

Once they decided to follow, Brayden, Luke, Jay, George, and Noah slowly following suit.

As soon as I was out that back door, I sprinted back down to the water, re-attaching my board to my ankle as I dove back into the water.

"Skylar, get out!" Grayson yelled, but I didn't listen.

This was my sister; I had caused her this.

Someone then swam up beside me, grabbing the font of my board, dragging the two of us back into shore.

"Let me go!" I screamed, as Noah pulled me into his tight hold once I reached shore. I then saw Brayden's body head into the water to follow after the others.

"I did this" I sobbed, the words spilling out of my mouth, as I stood there, shivering.

My sister could be dead, and that would be my fault, because she wanted to help me win this competition. I could be killing my brothers as well, all because someone chose to help me. 

Everything was done for.

Noah then turned my body so that I was facing him as I continued to sob.

This was my fault.

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