Part 8

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(A/N Sorry for the late update and thanks for being patient! This is where the fun starts and I hope you enjoy it!

The other chat is from Izuku's POV so you'll see numbers at first.

I'll let you guys guess the names. There's a clue in the picture above. I'll be posting the list in the next chapter ;))


XXXX-XXX-XX34 has created a group chat

XXXX-XXX-XX34 has added XXXX-XXX-XX90 and 11 others to the group chat

XXXX-XXX-XX72: Wait, who is XXXX-XXX-XX45?

XXXX-XXX-XX34: Oh dear, seems like I've mistyped.


XXXX-XXX-XX34 has added XXXX-XXX-XX46 to the group chat


The Office

Mic: That was on purpose, wasn't it?

Cementoss: Really Nezu?

Lunch Rush: Hate to admit but that was a good trick.

Eraserhead: I'm too tired for this

Midnight: Of course you are

Ectoplasm: So XXXX-XXX-XX45 is the student you want to toy with?

Hound Dog: I do not find it amusing.

Recovery Girl: Are you endangering lives again, rat?

Mic: I'm scared ಠ﹏ಠ

Nezu: Thank you and yes, it is indeed the kid I want to observe.

Snipe: So... what next?

Vlad: We play along.

Nezu: You play along.

Vlad: I'm certainly not impressed with myself for the coincidence.
Vlad: Inui-san, I think I need to get checked.

Hound Dog: You should.

Nezu: :)
Nezu: I hope the creation of the new group chat is self-explanatory.

Eraserhead: It is anything but.

Midnight: I think he wants us to keep our identities a secret and play along....?

Nezu: Right on point, Midnight!
Nezu: You will learn to improvise and adapt.

Power Loader: huhhh?

Thirteen: Bad idea.

Snipe: Wait a minute! If we aren't heroes then what are we?

Nezu: That's for me to decide and you to follow :)

Thirteen: I regret joining UA...

Power Loader: ^

Mic: Fine, I'm playing along.
Mic: But on one condition.

Nezu: That is?

Mic: Make me an admin so I can rename the chat and the people (☆▽☆)

Nezu: Alright!

Midnight: No!

Ectoplasm: And here I thoughts things can't get any worse.

Recovery Girl: Oh his this is a circus of madness!

Recovery Girl is offline

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