Part 5

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(A/N Hey guys! There's actually a minor change in the last chapter. I kinda removed the last paragraph so that I can ease the flow of time and the plot. The chats will start from the next chapter. )

The next day, Izuku went back to school because he had no other option. Quite surprisingly, people didn't bother him much. The only troubles he had to face were the weird looks everyone was giving him, Bakugou's eerie silence and some jocks punching him during recess.

After school, Izuku hurried to the beach to meet his idol. He sat down on the soft sand and opened his notebook to go over his plan. Izuku was extremely anxious when he found the actual way to apply for UA's hero course and he was scared of the same. Maybe as an alumnus of the institution, All Might could help him out with it.

Said hero arrived a few minutes later and greeted the greenette.

"So shounen, have you decided on your plan?"

Izuku nodded and showed him his book.

"W-well, I really wasn't aware of the four-step filtration system till last night. I'm pretty sure I'll make it past them… till the last stage that is…"

The practical part… All Might sighed internally, wondering what the future held for both of them.

"Do you think.. Can you help me out a little, Yagi-san?"

Izuku's question made him snap out of his reverie. He looked at the fidgeting teen and felt more pity blooming in his heart.

"It's been over two decades since I've graduated, shounen. I'm afraid I'm not aware of the present process. Do tell me what you've learnt so far… maybe it can help me remember"

"O-okay..'' Izuku nodded and turned the book to himself, "well, the first stage is a quantitative and aptitude test along with some very basic Hero Law. It's to filter the applicants based on their level of basic knowledge. The second is the application review by the Education Board. The criterion of rejection isn't specified but I guess there's an option to raise a query about the same. The third stage is the written exam in core subjects and the final stage is the practical exam"

All Might pursed his lips in worry but didn't show it. He knew Izuku would never make it past stage 2 and it was neither Izuku's nor UA's fault.

"I see. It looks like it has changed a lot. Back then, we just had the written and practical part"

Izuku let out a small chuckle, "maybe it has something to do with you? I mean.. the symbol of peace was once a student at UA so…."

All Might laughed it off but something about Izuku's words hit hard. Was he the reason behind the bar rising so high that it has become more of an ambitious competition and less of passion? The hero didn't know what to do, especially with a quirkless avid dreamer on his shoulders. What he did know was that he was going to help the kid even if his plans were rejected.

"Well, all I can say is aim high and do your best, shounen. Also, have some contingency plans too… just in case"

Izuku was a little offended by All Might's words but he knew what the hero was implying. The path he chose wasn't an easy one and he must be prepared for anything and everything.

Izuku got back to training soon and left the hero to his own musings. The teen graduated from middle school the following weekend and was glad he didn't have to go back to that hell hole. Bakugou hadn't talked to him since that day and seemed to ignore him every moment but his glares did manage to remind Izuku that he was still that same undesirable little quirkless deku to the blond. Although this time, Izuku did not care.

With six months to go, Izuku started working on his academics, reflexes and fighting skills. All Might helped him with some moves and in building strength. Izuku also started learning to use a range of weapons including knives, though he didn't have access to guns yet for various reasons.

A month later, Izuku attempted the first stage of UA enrollment and passed with flying colours. However, a week later, he received an e-mail that his application was rejected. Upon enquiry he found that the reason for his rejection was because he was quirkless and that having a quirk was a basic requirement.

Izuku, without a doubt, was devastated. He somehow started to lose faith in UA's morals of heroism. All Might knew this was going to happen but he couldn't open his mouth about some things he, as a subordinate of that body of individuals, shouldn't speak about. He dropped several clues so that the curious teen would unravel the real culprit behind and to his delight, Izuku did.

The teen got to know that it was a department of the hero commission that filters the hero course applicants in the second stage and not UA. Thus Izuku developed a new hobby and a new passion. Uncover the hidden bias and make things right.

The following months, Izuku decided to work on getting into general education since he had discovered that it didn't have any special requirements and was overlooked anyway. He also found out more about the chances of getting into the hero course through Gen Ed.

A month before the entrance exam for Gen Ed, Izuku was working with All Might, who was teaching him some crucial hero tips, unaware that his life was about to change.


Elsewhere, a weird little creature put his now empty tea cup down and pulled out a rather wide-screened tablet. The beads of his paws tapped on the blank space and a soft blue glow illuminated his mouse-like face. A vile smirk spread on his lips and his nose twitched in excitement.

"Time for some entertainment"

(A/N Sorry for the slow updates but I'm afraid this will continue for a while as I'm busy with my work and academics. Hope you guys like this setting and the direction this story is heading in. 💜)

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