Luca Kaneshiro

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baby is so confused. :(

here he is, yelling for about the tenth time in a row of how much he loves you and you just hum in response? what are you, a monster?

after about a while, luca gets really concerned and starts asking if something happened for you to be this cold towards him.
"hey hey, is there something i did wrong? tell me, y/n."you were really really close to just admitting the truth that it was a prank, but the fact he pranks 

you way more on a daily basis is just unfair! you had to even it out somehow!the way your boyfriend's expression resembled that of a kicked puppy shattered your poor, poor heart into millions of pieces.

he basically deflates right in front of you due to your silence.finally, you caved in and admitted your intentions.

luca was genuinely relieved that there wasn't anything wrong with what he did. he wasn't angry or anything, your mafia boss was back and joyful as ever! just... don't do that again. for both his heart and yours.

Nijisanji x Reader 4Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora