We Are Born For This

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After what happened, many Heroes were injured and were immediately rushed to the hospital, but as all those Heroes went to the hospital it didn't take long for the press to announce that the heroes were defeated by the villains and had to retreat, as all the people of Japan heard this they were completely upset with them for not being able to defeat some villains, so knowing that the Heroes can't save them, they began leaving the country in large numbers and the ones that couldn't leave the country began heading to the countryside that was far from any city, for a whole weeks the people of Japan started to turn their backs on the heroes, but some didn't, amongst the people that didn't turn their back on the heroes were Ikue and his friends, as he was in his room he began messaging each and every one of his friends to meet up together at AU in front of their old dormitory, once he sent that message everyone immediately replied and agreed to meet up at UA, so Ikue grabbed his white hoodie and walked out of his room, he then proceeded to go downstairs and head straight to the front door, as soon as he reached the front door he began putting his shoes on, but while doing so, his sister walked out of the kitchen and noticed him putting on his shoes.


"Ikue, where you going?"


"I'm going out, I'll be back later."


"But we're not supposed to leave the house."


"I don't care about that, I'm going and no one can tell me otherwise."


"Then what about your food?"


"Just put it in the fridge, I'll eat it when I come back."



Ikue then opens the front door and step right out of the house, where he begins heading to UA on foot, after many hours later he eventually made it to UA, he went straight to the dorm district and stopped right in front of the burnt ashes of class 1A's dormitory, as Ikue looked where his old dormitory used to be, he noticed something sticking out of the ashes, so he kneels down and pulls out a small photograph out of the ashes which is a bit burnt but is still intact, he wiped off the remaining ash that is on the picture and sees that the picture is him when he was 3 years old, being held by All Might who is very elderly and in a wheelchair, he gets up on his feet and looks at the picture with sadness, but suddenly as he was distracted by looking at the picture, he hears a familiar voice behind him.


"Hey stranger."

Ikue quickly turns around and sees Machi, where he then smiles from seeing her.



Machi proceeds to walk up to Ikue, where she then hugs him as soon as she got close enough.


"It's really good to see you ikue.'


"You too Machi."

They shortly pull away from one another, and Machi notices the picture in Ikue's right hand.


"What you got there?"


"Oh, it's just a picture of me and a person I look up to."


"Can I see it?"


"Sure, but be careful with it, it's been through a lot already."

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