||The Monster And The Superhero||

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In which Grace Harrington becomes a babysitter

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In which Grace Harrington becomes a babysitter

The group barged into the old boat house the next day holding multiple bags of food for Eddie, as Dustin opened the door Eddie shouted pointing the beer bottle at them again "Jesus Christ!" Dustin smiled "delivery service!" Eddie let out a sigh of relief snatching the bags off Dustin and searching through "again with the glass dude" Grace questioned removing her headphones from her ears "shut up Harrington" he mumbled taking out a box of cereal ripping it open and scooping a handful out shoving it into his mouth sitting on the boat "so we got uh, some good news and some bad news how'd you prefer it?" Eddie swallowed the mouthful of honeycomb cereal "bad news first, always" he said taking a drink from a bottle of chocolate milk "bad news alright, well we tapped into Hawkins PD dispatch with our Cerebro and they're definitely looking for you, oh and they're like pretty convinced you killed Chrissy" Grace tensed at the name not over the fact her best friend was killed in cold blood "like 100% convinced" Eddie groaned "and the good news?" he asked "your name hasn't gone public yet, but if we found out about you it's only a matter of time before others do too and once that gets out everyone and there shallowminded mother will be gunning for you" Robin answered "I feel like that was a jab at my mother" Grace mumbled to which Robin heard and shrugged "it's true" Grace chuckled

"hunt the freak right?" Eddie said

In that moment, Grace Harrington felt incredibly sorry for Eddie Munson however she would never admit that out loud but she did, the way he was dragged into their mess and could quite possibly be in terrible danger because he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, Robin nodded "exactly" Eddie cursed under his breath "so before that happens we need to find Venca, kill him and prove your innocence" Dustin said casually "hallelujah" Grace mumbled sarcastically "that's all, Dustin, that's all?" Eddie said matching the younger Harrington's level of sarcasm "yeah, no that's pretty much it" Dustin said ignoring their sarcastic tones "listen, Eddie" Robin started "I know everything Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this kind of thing before" Eddie looked at her "I mean they have a..a few times, and...and I have once mine was more human-flesh based theirs was more smoke-related but bottom line is collectively, I really feel we got this" she smiled enthusiastically Steve piped up from his place beside his sister "you see we usually rely on this girl who has superpowers" Grace clicked her fingers pointing at nothing in particular "oh El! Her name was Eleven y'know like the number however we called her El and she had this tattoo on her wrist, man I want a tattoo" Grace rambled "right yeah El, but uhh, she went bye-bye so, so technically we're in more of a-" Max cut him off "brainstorming phase" Steve nodded towards the red head "brainstorming" Dustin splutters "there's nothing to worry about!" the Harrington Siblings give him a weird look.

Sirens sound out in the distance and the gang of teens panic "shit Eddie under the tarp" Grace said throwing the blue material at him and running over to the small window trying to find the source of these sirens, outside the boat house several Police cars sped past followed by a fire truck "holy shit" Grace said watching them drive by "Shit indeed Gracie stay with Eddie while we go check it out" Dustin said grabbing his backpack "wait- why me?" she questioned "yeah why her?" Eddie added on "because I said so hang tight we'll be back soon!" Grace let out noise of protest following them out "I fucking hate you Dustin Henderson I hope you know that" she groaned running a hand through her neatly combed hair "fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck fuck fuck" she muttered walking back in "okay here's the deal Munson, you don't talk to me I won't talk to you sound good?" Eddie was too busy shovelling more cereal in his mouth to answer her but she took that as a yes "good, I'll be over here" she sat down on a wooden chair putting her headphones back over her ears as the smooth sound of Tears for Fears filled her ears sending her in a world of bliss.

The silence lasted a space of 10 minutes as Eddie got bored and decided to poke Grace's shoulder over and over, the girl trying to resist the urge to tear him apart eventually she'd had enough snatching her headphones off her head she glared at him "will you cut it out" she snapped he snickered holding his hands up in surrender "sorry princess but I'm bored" something inside Grace's stomach fluttered at the nickname and she had to turn away from him so he didn't see her red cheeks "well I dunno find something to entertain yourself with" she went to put her headphones back on her ears when he spoke up "talk to me" she whipped round to face him "what?" Eddie swivelled around so he could see her "you heard me, tell me more about the great Queen of Hawkins High" Grace sighed knowing now that she wasn't going to get any peace so she pressed pause on her Walkman that was attached to her hip "what do you wanna know" she crossed her legs "everything, uhhh favourite colour?" he asked "Royal Blue, next" she answered he was taken by surprise "that's very specific okay favourite animal?"


"favourite thing to do?"

"horse ride"

"favourite person?"

"easy Steve"

"figures, how old are you?"

"18, I'm turning 19 in September"

"favourite movie?"

"The Goonies" Eddie laughed "seriously? The Goonies? I didn't know you were a nerd Grace" the Harrington girl shook her head "I'm a lot of things you don't know Munson" Eddie smiled "okay okay, last one favourite song?"

"Detroit Rock City, Kiss"

"Kiss? I love that band!" Eddie stated "you don't-" Grace smirked "seem like the type of person to listen to heavy metal? Yeah well it pissed my parents off so I had it on full blast all the time just to get under their skin" she rocked back in the chair "what a rebellious act Miss Harrington" Eddie chuckled "why thank you Mr. Munson" she smiled, it was a genuine smile not one of those fake ones you put on when you want everyone to think your okay, but a real genuine smile something she hadn't done since she was 14 years old "awww look at that, I made Grace Harrington smile" her smile quickly dropped as she cleared her throat putting on her usual annoyed attitude "don't get used to it Munson"

Later that night Eddie had fallen asleep in the boat while Grace tried to make herself comfortable in a chair "stop moving around Harrington your disturbing my beauty sleep" Eddie mumbled sleepily "oh I apologise your highness" Grace said "I'm highly uncomfortable over here" she whined "then get your ass over here and sleep in here with me" Grace protested immediately "then shut your fucking mouth" he snapped rolling onto his side, after a few more minutes of trying to get comfy Grace completely gave up and walked over climbing into the boat "took you long enough, Henderson mentioned you were stubborn just didn't imagine this stubborn" he said "oh shut up you dick" she muttered pulling the tarp over her body  "I'm actually going to sleep this time, wake me up I'll hit you with the bottle" Eddie spoke "no promises Munson" she muttered closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Grace awoke to the sound of the radio going off "Gracie? Eddie? Do you copy?!" but she was more concerned about the face she wasn't able to move due too a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and her head resting on something, she soon realised she was resting on Eddie's chest while his arms were wrapped around her waist she could faintly hear his heartbeat if she lay on his chest and he smelt like weed and cheap cologne "Gracie! Eddie! Hello!" Dustin's voice echoed from the walkie again Grace got up snatching it off the table Eddie groaned as she moved rubbing his eyes and sitting up and looking over at her "Gracie! Eddie! Hell-" Grace pressed a button on the side of the device "what Dustin! We were Sleeping! " she snapped, there was static for a second then Dustin spoke up again" Jesus they're alive, they're alive everybody don't worry!" the two heard a chorus of 'yay's from the other end " listen, we know what's going on but we have some bad news" the pair at the boathouse shared a look "well what is it Henderson? " Eddie asked getting imapient "well we figured out that Vecna likes targeting people who have been through things or have some sort of past trauma" Dustin explained "what's the bad news Dustin" the line went silent again then Dustin delivered the news "Max is cursed, and we think oyu might be too Grace".

A/n: I'm in hospital again so I'm spam writing chapters lmao Dear Billy next! That's my favourite episode!

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