09. We need to talk.

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    ELORA SEEMED TO BE THE ONLY ONE surprised by Scott's new found hunger for revenge against the alpha twins. Everyone else expected it—especially after the commotion that they had set up in the library, putting his blonde best friend in danger. It was his anger that lead them to outside in the parking lot of school—crowding around the two bikes that matched the helmets the alpha twins carried around with them constantly.

Elora, Scott nor Isaac had any clue how to hot wire a bike. The three of them stood their while Alison Argent did the job for them—the girl had many talents that came along with her Argent training—many that Elora hoped she could use once Argent had taught her it all too. Although despite him having no clue to what she was doing, Isaac still continued to make comments, along the lines of "How long is this gonna take?" Earning himself a slap on the shoulder every time from the blonde beside him.

Once she had hot wired the bike, she walked over and stood beside her blonde best friend who held a hand out for the brunette to high five, the two grinning at one another while Isaac dropped himself down onto the bike, looking at the various buttons that were in front of him like he had no clue what to do. Which he didn't. And that cued Alison once again to go over to the boy and tell him what to do. "Okay, pull back with your left hand. Kick down to put it in gear." She began to tell him, pointing towards each part of the bike as she told him what to do.

And once the mission had been completed—what was better than for a photo. Scott McCall pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of Isaac on the bike, with Elora stood behind him with a huge smile on her face—one that lightened his also.

The plan was in motion.


And while Isaac and Alison dealt with the bike outside, it was Scott and Eloras job to rile up the twins on the inside—more specifically in Miss Blake's english class, their bags rattling with mechanical pieces as they walked. When they entered the class room they deterred from their usual places, taking the seats on either side of the twins, smiling at the expectantly.

Their mysterious smiles towards one another immediately out the twins on high alert. "Okay, everyone. I know this is the last class of the day... To be honest, I want to get out of here, too." The new English teacher disclosed, her high heels and the chatter in the room being ignored by the four students who were immersed in their own conversation.

Scott looked towards the twins as he pulled out a mechanical piece with an innocent smile, before he looked towards Elora who was sat at the end, pulling one out of her own bag. "These look kind of important..." He pointed out, scratching the back of his neck and shrugging.

"Yeah, and what's with this? I have no idea what this thing does." The blonde chimes in, balancing a spinner thing on her finger tip and twirling it around to taunt the twins. That seemed to be the last straw for the twins—Aiden more specifically—that and the rumbling of a bike outside their class immediately alerted him to something happening, causing him to spring from the room, with Ethan calling for him to stop before he got himself into trouble.

Their plan seemed to work perfectly when Miss Blake ran out of the room and the image of Aiden holding up a motorcycle in the middle of the school hall way was the sight she was met with, while Isaac blended in with the growing crowds that formed at either end of the corridor—looking intently at what was happening. And as expected, the teacher didn't have a great reaction to the scene. "You have got to be kidding me! You realize this is gonna result in a suspension?" She pointed out. And that was when Aiden realised his mistake.


AS THE SCHOOL DAY CAME TO AN END Ethan found his sister walking into the school parking lot in search of Stiles and his jeep, only for it not to be there. He came running over to the girl to tell her what he had heard rumoured throughout the school, and he couldn't be more excited to tell her and be one of the first people to spread it.

And when he finally met her in the parking lot, the words spewed from his lips. "Guess what, Aiden got excluded today because he was riding his bike around the hallways—god i wish i could do that—but anyways he got caught and now he's been temporarily exclude from school!" He raved in a rush of excitement.

Elora laughed at his enthusiasm, but then Ethan realised that she didn't look particularly surprised. He then frowned, tilting his head to the side to try and get a reading of her expression. But she told him before he could figure it out. "I know. Who do you think made the plan?" She laughed, sympathetic for her brother who got excited for no reason.

"Why am I always the last to know everything!"


THAT EVENING, ELORA FINALLY ARRIVED home after trying to avoid the place for the last week, but she ultimately decided that she didn't want to feel like a charity case for another night, and so she headed home, back to the place she hated staying because it only brought back memories of the family they used to be—before their mother became a drunk and their father deserted them for long periods at a time

And of course, she barely made it to the doorway before all of the drama crashed back down on her again. Although, it didn't come in the form of her mother, nor the form of her father. But instead in the form of Dean Route who had conveniently placed himself on her doorstep—ready to ambush her as soon as she got home.

"We need to talk."

Elora couldn't be bothered, she didn't want to argue, nor did she have the time of day to listen to what he had to say. She just wanted to go inside, get in bed and avoid all of the problems and anxiety's that she had crashing down on her. "Yeah, let's do it tomorrow."

"No, let's do it right now."

She hated that the boy was so persistent, but then again she found herself hating lots of things about the man at the moment. She seemed to be on a short fuse but only with him—Lydia had been the first to notice. And the strawberry blonde was just waiting for the time that her fuse fizzled out and she finally realised that Dean Route was no good for her. "Look, i'm tired, i'm exhausted, i'm stressed, just please—" She had to stop talking when she felt a sting in her eyes. She didn't want to cry, but she did feel like she was bubbling over and all of her emotions were beginning to crash down on her.

Dean seemed to notice this—the first thing he had noticed in a few days—and for a few moments, a few surreal seconds they felt like the couple they used to be. When he pulled her in for a hug, wrapping his arms around her and for the first time in a while, she felt safe in her boyfriends arms, as he ran his hands through her hair and kissed her head, whispering endearment.

And just like that, the old Dean seemed to return. The one that would leave the blonde girl tulips in her locker because he knew they were her favourite flowers. The same boy who would open doors for her and let her choose what movie they watched and what food they ate on date nights. The same boy who would make lacrosse shots dedicated to her.

And that gave Elora hope that maybe they weren't going to remain as rocky as they had been recently.


Sorry this is short, but most of this episode is Derek & Deucalion and Stiles & Deaton.

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