07. you're not a virgin Elora!

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ELORA CURSED THE FACT THAT SHE HAD  pushed herself too far, and now instead of assisting Scott McCall and the rest of the pack on their mission to contain and capture the two rabid wolves they had subsequently set free, she was instead lay in the arms of Dean Route as they watched a movie on his wall mounted TV.

   The boy of course had no clue how the girl was so pale, why her top lip seemed to be tinged with a dark red stain, nor why she felt so exhausted—not that he had particularly noticed either. All he knew was that when Scott reluctantly dropped the girl off on the boys door step after kicking himself that he hadn't stopped her since everyone else was out looking for the wear wolves and so Dean had become his last resort. Not that Elora minded too much.

    The blonde was far to achy to care about where she was, her head pounding way to hard to care which movie Dean had decided that they were watching. All she cared about was that she could now fall asleep in a bed, on a comfortable pillow, warm and some what safe—allowing her exhaustion to encompass her and drag her into a deep sleep.

    But even then, she couldn't help but let thoughts if Scott McCall and the words of Lydia Martin infiltrate her mind. Asking herself why it was that her strawberry blonde best friend thought that she was 'lying to herself' and why it was that she couldn't remove her best friend from her mind. A feeling of guilt in her stomach because she knew she would feel so much better in the arms of him instead of the boy beside her.

    But whether she noticed it or not, it was becoming clear to everyone else that her boyfriend seemed to care about her less and less every day and she seemed to love him less the same. Lydia was right when she looked in the blondes eyes and could only see Scott. She was right when she said that she was lying to herself about the state of their relationship. She was right when she realised that Elora was falling out of love with Dean. It was becoming frustrating for them all that she didn't realise—but even more so for herself. Because she felt like she had a block in her mind—one that was pushing any and all feelings for Scott to the platonic part of her mind.

    They could see that she wasn't being treated right. And had she been awake she would have noticed that Dean barely even noticed she wasn't. She would have noticed that he didn't hold her like he did when they first got together. She would have noticed that he didn't care half as much as Scott did.

    Because even while Scott McCall was tracking down the help of Christopher Argent. Even while he was running around town dealing with another dead body found by Lydia Martin. Even while he was hunting down and capturing two rabid wear wolves in the boiler room of their high school. She was still the worry of his thoughts. Whether she was okay. Whether Dean was looking after her. Whether she was safe with him. Whether it had been a bad idea leaving her with him.

    And it wasn't until he had called her phone and it had been declined multiple times that he realised that all of his anxieties had been there for a reason. It was as clear as the sky was blue that it was Dean declining his calls—making him wonder whether the boy had listened to him at all when he told him to keep an eye on her—or whether he had instead been silently raging the entire time.


    THE NEXT DAY HE SIGHED IN RELEIF when the girl made an appearance at school, looking far better than she did the day previous—her natural glow had returned to her skin and her head had stopped pounding and bones stopped aching. That didn't last for too long as he older brother came hurtling towards her at the speed of light—engulfing her in one of the tightest hugs she had ever experienced, all the while he littered her with a number of questions—all of which questioned her well being and whether she was healthy again.

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