Loud Insecurities

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"There's no way i let my son to be a homosexual!"


"What's wrong, Hinata? You look down today.."
Yamaguchi is concern with unusual expression and acts of his teammate.

"Are you feeling unwell, Hinata-kun?" Yachi, their team manager and Yamaguchi's girlfriend of two years also notice the same thing.

"Uh. I-I am fine guys. Don't worry. Hehe.." Hinata is trying his best to cheer up but fail anyway.

Karasuno captain merely give him a smile. "If there's something bothering you, feel free to talk to us."

Hinata replies him with a wide smile, assuring them that he's really okay. "Thanks, Yamaguchi!"

"Ah! Hii-chan, i just remember that Takeda sensei called out for us. I think it's about our next practice match schedule. We should go see him now."

"Ok let's go. See you tomorrow, Hinata-kun."

"Bye, Hinata. Otsukaresama deshita!"


Hinata silently staring at the couple as they walk out of gym's door. He imagines someday they getting married, have kids, and have happy life forever. A normal life.
His father's words fills his mind. Overthinking, he said to himself but every words stuck on his head and it starts to bothering him.

"Haaa... what should i do.."

Spontaneously, instead of going home Hinata going to train station direction, heading to Tokyo.

Hinata is sitting quietly inside coffee shop across the university building. Sipping his iced latte and staring at the front gate, he's still not sure why he's coming, or why he didn't call his boyfriend in advance. Before he knew it, he was walking to train station, and here he is now.

"I just feel like to see him.."

He wasn't planning on meeting his boyfriend today in the first place. All of a sudden there was an urge to see Ushijima's face even just for a moment.
It's been around 20 minutes waiting and Hinata knows that Wakatoshi will show up in any minute as they know each other's schedule. Indeed, he finally spots familiar tall figure stepping out towards the front gate.

Hinata finds himself smiling, "He looks handsome as always."

His boyfriend is the tallest walking along with people he assumes to be his classmates. Five people, three men include his tall lover and two girls. Beside Ushijima, a beautiful girl with a black long hair, wearing a simple nude dress covered with an off white color sweater seems having light conversation as she smiles to his boyfriend, which Toshi seems replying to her chat nonchalantly. Hinata knows exactly there's nothing special or ramance between them as Hinata can sense it, and he's fully aware of it. However, as he's staring at them for a moment, something inside him irks.

They look good together..

Getting married, raising cute kids, building a happy home. That's normal things they should do. That's a relevant relationship. That's happiness.
It makes Hinata anxious, wether their relationship will continue indefinitely or not. He can't picture how he and Wakatoshi will be years from now. He wonders if they will have the same happiness forever.
Now he's feeling complicated. He loves Ushijima Wakatoshi, wishing that they could always be together happily ever after. To imagine his life without him, it's actually scary.. However, if someday they have to separate at the end, he will accept it. Even if it hurts..

As long as Toshi is happy, i will do anything for his sake.

Maybe his father is right. He is naive and know nothing about all of this.
And with those thoughts, Hinata making his way home.


Night time settles over Karasuno gym, yet the sounds of ball slamming and noises, yells of "One more!" "Nice receive!" "Toss to me!" still could be heard from inside. Hours have passed and all the members are exhausted they call it a day. And after waves goodbye to their teammates, Hinata and Kageyama walk home together.

After few moment Kageyama speaks out. "Oi boke. I heard the rumors.."

"Huh? What rumors?" Hinata turns his head while holding his bike handlebar grip.

"Umm.. Ushijima-san is going to... omiai?" Kageyama hesitates.

Hinata is not surprised with the news, however he shows his dejected look. "Oh.. that.. yeah i've heard it. We haven't had a chance to talk about it.. so..." And I don't know why Toshi keep silent about it either.

"Are you... okay with it?"

Hinata doesn't answer his bestfriend right away, instead they keep walking in silence for few moments. When Hinata spots a bench in the park nearby, he beckons Kageyama to sit with him.

He and Kageyama will have quite long conversations.

The Beast and His Kitten (Ushijima x Hinata)Where stories live. Discover now