1. Another Day

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Once again a new day began and once again Lillian was the first to get up to prepare breakfast for her Dads and her twin Brother. The twins are now 17 years old and are in 11st grade of the High school. Adam and Desmond are really trying to make a good life for their two kids.

So Lillian got ready for the day before she walked into the kitchen and starting to prepare breakfast for the three boys. In like no time the young girl had everything sat up.

"Morning sweetheart!" Adam smiled at his daughter and kissing her cheek. "Morning!" Lillian softly answered before she took a sip from her coffee.

"Everything okay sweetie? You look a little pale!" Adam asked as he saw his daughters colour and walked closer to her. "I'm fine, probably just the change of weather!" Lillian lied, in fact she was feeling really crappy.

"You know that you shouldn't lie to dad!" Noah, Lillian's twin brother, said walking into the room sensing that his sister was lying. Lillian rolled her eyes on her brother, she knew he just wants to help her but right now it wasn't really helpful.

"What's wrong, baby girl? Tell me please!" Adam said pushing his daughter down on a chair before kneeling down in front of her, taking her hands into his. "It's okay Dad. Don't worry!" Lillian said as she started to get up.

"Not a chance, baby girl, not a chance!" Adam laughed pushing his daughter back down. "You won't get away with the it's nothing number!" "Fine. I'm just a little dizzy, have a headache and I am a little short of breath. But I can handle it. Noah the marmalade and your cup are next to the refrigerator!" Lillian said, looking out even if she isn't feeling well.

"Focus on yourself, sissy. I can take care of myself!" Noah laughed as he walked over to his sister, kissing her head before getting his cup. "I want you to stay home today. I think you're going to come down with the flu or something. Maybe you got something from Dad!" "Which one?" Lillian tried to joke with a sighed.

When the twins were little they called Adam Daddy and Desmond Dad, but since they are teenagers both of them were refusing to use Daddy as a name for one of their fathers. "I guess we need to find another name for one of us!" Adam laughed before kissing his daughters head and getting up. "Yeah how about Pa or Pops, for you Daddy!" Lillian asked looking up at Adam as Desmond was walking into the kitchen where his family was.

"I like that too, Daddy!" Desmond laughed looking at his husband as he was laughing too. Lillian turned around to look at her second father, getting dizzy from her actions.

"Hey, hey. Not so fast, honey!" Desmond said walking over to his husband and daughter. "It's okay Dad!" Lillian once again sighed. "No, it's not. Don't lie!" Noah said sitting down next to his twin sister placing his hand on hers.

"I am really okay, bro. I just don't feel that good today!" the young girl said looking over at her brother before she leaned her head against his shoulder. "What happened, princess?" Desmond asked stroking the girl's cheek. "I got dizzy there for a second!" the girl said honestly as she got comfortable in my brothers arm like she always did when she wasn't feeling good.

"Noah, bring her back into her room!" "You're not going to school today. Get some rest and we'll do the whole household until you feel better!" Desmond and Adam said after each other as Noah helped his sister up and walked her to her room.

"Get some rest, sissy!" Noah smiled down at his sister before he gave her a kiss to the head. "Will you come in after school?" Lillian asked as she sat down on the bed.

"Sure I'll come in. I'll bring the stuff in for you, just rest and get better. If you get worse call me, okay?" Noah smiled down at his sister as she nodded her head with a thanking smile on her lips. "See you after school!" he said before he left the room.

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