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Emma and Noah are getting married in three days. They are six weeks along and just got called back to do an ultrasound.

Dr. Nash does a few things that are completely unknown to the two before she puts the cold gel on Emmas belly.

"Ready to hear the heartbeat?"

"Yes, please." She agrees.

Nash smiles and places the tool down, going across Emmas abdomen. She jumps when she hears the beating and turns to smile at an already smiling Noah.

"There it is." Nash states softly. "Your babies are perfectly healthy."

"Ba-babies?" Emma asks.

"Mhmm. You listen and you can hear two hearts."

They both listen closer and their eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets. They turn to each other before looking back at the screen.

"I'm so glad we have money." Noah states.


Emma gently hits him in the arm as he smiles, making her smile.

"Oh, my."

Short chapter, but it's okay.

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