Chapter 3

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"Dumbledore" - talking

'Idiot' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Enough" -Dragonnic/Goblinnese/beastspeak

"Hello" - speaking different language

Chapter 3:

◇◇start chapter◇◇

Sirius pov:
I just layed Harry down for a nap after he wakes up I will call his mom so she can have a much needed reunion. I head down stairs to speak with my family to tell them everything. When I get down stairs I see Bellatrix sitting by Regulus on the arm rest of his arm chair while my father sits in another arm chair with my mother sits on his arm rest. I sit on the empty couch sighing knowing that they want to know everything. All I ever told them when they told me I should get married and have an heir was I already was married  and had a son but he was missing and that me and my wife don't see eachother any more because it was painful  but we never did sign divorce papers or officially separated. I never did tell them who my wife was now I have no choice as she was going to be coming to see her son.

Sirius-"Alright let me start from beginning when I was in my last year at Hogwarts that winter break I didn't go to James place instead I went to my wife's family manor and spent the holidays with them and that when I asked her to marry me of course I  never told Dumbledore, James, Lily, or Remeus. During Hogwarts every one thought I was a flirtatious player type of guy who stopped when I started dating Amilia Bones in 6th year but that was all just a mask Amilia and I never truly dated  she doesn't even swing that way but Amilia and I loved eachother like brother and sister and only she knew that who I was really in a relationship with. Because of who it was Amilia agreed to be my fake girlfriend so Lily and Remus would stop telling me that I should get a girlfriend. Of course they all didn't know that I was already in a relationship with someone. Of course I never told James because he would have lost his shit if he knew I was dating a Slytherin so I never told. At first my wife was not pleased with Amilia being my public girlfriend and she worried that I leave her for Amilia but she calmed down when Amilia told her she was into woman."

Regulus-"Wait you actually were in a relationship with a Slytherin who was it, did I know her"

Sirius-"Her name you know her by is Marryann Stark "

With that my brother, mother, and father freezes in shock. No doubt for different reasons my brother because  my wife have a reputation in Slytherin back in her Hogwart years and because he probably thought I married a muggle born who died. I  knew mother and father froze because of my wife's ancestor and  the fact that I married a pure-blood no doubt thinking I married a muggle born who left after our son went missing.

Regulus-"No way you married the Slytherin queen who beat the king of our house who was a 7th year in her 2nd year and was known as the first ever female king of Slytherin and the youngest king since the dark lord who won the title king in his 3rd year."

Sirius-*laughs*"Yes little brother I married Marryann Stark the 1st female king of Slytherin nickname the ice queen we married the summer we graduated Hogwarts a year before James and Lily married. Any way after we married we told no one her father was the one who married us. After the ceremony we had to postponed our honeymoon as I was becoming a full fledged member of the order of Pheonix. After a while I told Lily and James that I was going to be a father at first they thought it was Amilia but I told them it wasn't her and that we broke up but I didn't tell them because we were so busy with fighting Voldemort. They asked me who was the girl I got pregnant  I told them that it was a French descented half-blood and I couldn't tell them who out of fear it get back to Voldemort at that time there was a profecy that would possibly involve my son which why I told them I wouldn't tell them for safty reasons. When my son was born we put a heavy illusion and glamour charms on Marryann and went to St. Mungo to give birth. She gave birth to our beautiful son was born July 31st, 1980 at 11:59p.m. We named our son  Perseus after my wife  gave birth a nurse came to take our son. Of course we were cautious as it was active war right now but the nurse said it was a standard procedure of checkups for new borns. Hearing that we were not as cautious believing the nurse I of course was going to follow the nurse to the checkups but she advised me to stay with my wife being as she wasn't doing so for her first birth being as she was in labor for 3 days before our son came out. Knowing  that the nurse was right as I  could tell just by looking at my wife she wasn't doing so well and if I left her who was to say a death eater didn't sneak in and kill her so with that in mind I stay put next to my wife. Of course my decision was well made because not even three minutes after the nurse took my son a death eater came in and attempted to kill my wife I of course stopped him by putting  a sheild up and then disarmed him. After disarming him I held him at wand point tell him not to move the Aurors got him took him away.  After that indecent settled it had been 15 minutes and the nurse never came back. It was then my wife and I realized our son had been kidnapped. We were devastated I didn't even visit  the Potters for a week  but had gotten  news that James and Lily had twins. My wife dove into her work we didn't  live together but never thought of separation or divorce but we couldn't  see eachother because it remind us of our lost son."

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