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"Dumbledore" - talking

'Idiot' -thinking

§Open§ -Parseltongue

"Enough" -Dragonnic/Goblinnese/beastspeak

"Hello" - speaking different language


◇◇Start story◇◇

(Godric's Hollow, October 31,1981)

3rd pov:
Lily and Jameson Potter were getting ready for a Halloween party. When their oldest of the twins Emmett starts crying. He and his brother a little over a year old. Emmett had thick unruly brownish red loose curly hair, pale skin, and hazel eyes looking like the perfect blend of his mother and father while his younger brother Harold (Harry) had thick straight unruly brown hair, dark tan, and lime green eyes looking like a mix between his mother and father but bit more like his father. 

Emmett has always been the more difficult twin always demanding attention and gets angry whenever Harry attention. Harry on the other hand was easiest child to take care of. Harry rarely cries and didn't mind his brother often got more attention. Unbeknownst to the  babes parents Harry has a really good memory and he will one be someday be the considered one of the brightest wizard of his age.

Yes you reasd right, the Potters were a family of wizards and had been as far back as he can remember, though they were originally Peverell, one of the most powerful, ancient wizarding family who have talked to death himself. The Potters ancestry is unknown to them for they never bother looking. As for Lily she was the first witch ever born to her family of who were all muggles.

Lily is seen bouncing Emmett on her hip while making sure that everything was ready for the babysitter, an old friend of theirs from Hogwarts, Peter Pettigrew. Both Lily and James were happy they could leave the house for couple hours. Unknown to  the muggles in England or any wher else, a bitter war was being fought, the light against the dark. The Dark Lord, a man, if you could call him that, named himself Lord Voldemort who has been leading the Dark forces against the light.

There was a knock on the door and James left the living room to get the door. When James open the front  door their stood one of his friends since his first year of Hogwarts and family secret keeper Peter Pettigrew. James hugs his shorter friend before welcoming him in side the cottage. After a brief hello James strolled back in to the livingroom with Peter  following not far behind. When Peter enters the  room Lily looks up at him smiling at him.

Peter-"Hiya Lily"

Lily- "Hello Wormy we are so glad you made it, thank you so much for watching the kids again"

Peter-*merely smiles*"Anytime Lily, Anytime."

For a split second his smile turns nefarious as he thought this would be the last time the Potters would need a babysitter. Unknown to others Peter the Potter's secret keeper is a spy for the dark lord and he plans to call his master when the elder Potters leave. Peter quickly  schools his facial experience before the Potters noticed and put up a small smile once more.

Peter-*reaches out and takes Emmett* "Here, Lily let me take Emmett for you, you guys go have fun you both been cooped up in this house for far to long."

Lily and James smile nodding in agreement. Lily then gives Emmett a  final kiss before hand him to Peter. Peter took the young child and started bouncing him up up and down, which makes Emmett laugh. Lily gives Emmett one last kiss on his forehead, thanked Peter one last time, and then hand him a list of instructions in case of emergencys. James informed Peter that Harry was still asleep upstairs in his crib. With that the Potters left.

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