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Emil's POV:

My meeting goes on for way too long, discussing the German branch of the company and the new assets that will be moving around. It has been a bit easier to work now that Matias' father is not involved.

There is a lot less anxiety at work and I feel as though everyone has been able to share their true feelings on the different functions. It would not surprise me if the united front of companies dissipated in the next few years.

When I leave the meeting, I decide that the work that I've done for today is enough. I have a lot of stuff that I've done in the last few days and I want to convince Matteo to go on a short walk with me.

Some fresh air will do him some good. Plus, while Germany does not officially do siesta the way that Spain does, the streets are usually less crowded around this time until five in the afternoon, so hopefully my mate will be less scared.

Matias and Everest are out in the living room, seeming to have a heated discussion when I enter.

"Where is my mate?" I demand, looking between the two.

Matias sighs. "We tried to get him to go out, but he blatantly refused and went to go lay down. We have been checking on him just to make sure that he is okay, but I'm pretty sure he's faking being asleep," he informs me, appearing a bit stressed.

I'm glad he's worried about his brother, and I feel bad that I have not been able to help heal my little mate. I cannot force him to get better, but he has refused to see any kind of therapist and he does not seem motivated to do anything to get better.

Does he not understand how worried everyone is for him?

"I am going to force him to go out," I state. "He cannot hide in here forever and I'm tired of watching him loath in silence."

Matias nods. "May we join you? He may feel more comfortable if he has more people to hide behind."

He does have a point, so I agree.

Since moving to Germany follow us, I have grown more fond of Matias, and I am fond of Everest as well. The Omega is a bit of a brat, but he has a good heart and he is pretty funny. I've been helping him learn German and he's a quick learner despite complaining about the difficulty of the language.

"I will go wake him up," I say, frowning when I catch sight of Matteo's breakfast sitting untouched on the counter.

Matteo is definitely faking being asleep; he tenses up when I enter the room, then forces himself to relax and I hear him trying to slow his breathing.

"Baby boy," I whisper, rubbing his shoulder and making him whimper. "Get dressed, my little mate."

He looks up and me, and he looks exhausted. "Why?" he mumbles, frowning at me. "I don't smell bad."

"We are going on a walk." I state it plainly so there is no room for negotiation, but he still pouts a bit.

I'm desperate to spank his little ass to get him to drop the attitude, but he is nowhere near ready for that right now. Not with how his current state of mind is.

"Emil, I don't want to," he whines.

"You have not left this house since we arrived here. It's been over a month, sweetheart. It is not crowded now and Matias and Everest will both be joining us so that you can hide behind us. We need to try to make some progress, and we will not be out for long."

He does not seem convinced, not that I expected him to be.

"This is not up for negotiation, and I will carry you out in your pajamas if I have to," I insist, using my Alpha tone.

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