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Emil's POV:

I remember when I first realized who my mate was; I had just turned eighteen, and I was at a dinner party. I was irritated all day when I was forced to acknowledge that my long term boyfriend, Cody, was not my true mate, but those irritations flew out the window when I caught the scent of my true mate.

However, frustration mounted its ugly head again when I realized how young my mate was; plus, he was the brother of one of the wolves I've always hated.

Matias Amato has never been a rival of mine, as I am aware of my superiority to him. Although my parents have tutored me in the world of the business that Matias and I are coincidentally wrapped up in together, they do not have the same control over me.

They guide me, but they know that I'm responsible and going to make them proud.

"Will you stop eye fucking my brother?" Matias snarled at me in Italian, his native language.

His father smacked the back of his head. "I thought we spoke about speaking English," he growled, glaring at his son.

I almost felt bad for him, but I felt even more terrible for my little Omega mate who was already getting the attention of older men. I, unlike those disgusting perverts, did not plan on making a move on my mate until he was of a legal age and able to make his own decision.

"My apologies," Matias mumbled, looking at the floor as his father walked away, rolling his eyes at his son. "I heard Cody is not your mate."

"So?" I snapped, glaring daggers at the bratty sixteen year old. "What is it to you?"

Matias shrugged. "I wasn't trying to be rude, asshole," he told me, but he was clearly bitter towards me for my attitude. "But now I feel less sorry for you. Hope you find your mate, but in the meantime, I'm going to flirt with your ex."

"Stop treating him like he's a piece of meat!" I snarled at Matias.

Even though Cody was not mine, I felt as though I needed to protect him from the idiot Alphas who wanted him. Plus, Matias' parents had this weird obsession with their children having heirs, and they had been discussing experimental surgeries in case one of their kids' mates were to be infertile.

That worried me for Cody, as he was infertile.

I prayed he wouldn't end up with Matias, but unfortunately luck never favored me. Not only did I wait for years before being able to connect with my mate, lying to Matias and saying I didn't know until Matteo was seventeen so as not to piss the idiot off, but Cody ended up with Matias and was murdered.

I felt horrible when I was told Cody passed due to an illness, and I felt even worse when Matias told me only a few months ago that Cody was actually murdered by his parents' head of security.

All of that insanity in Italy is too much, so I took my mate away with me to Germany, my country of origin. We have been here for just over a month, following my mate being attacked.

My poor baby boy is asleep on our bed, and he still looks unwell. He has been refusing to eat much and has refused to leave the house at all. Ever since the attack, which resulted in a huge scar across his face, Matteo has been convinced that he is ugly and is ashamed of himself.

No amount of my telling him how beautiful he is will convince him.

It hurts me to see the love of my life who I have fallen so hard for hate himself so much. When I finally allowed us to be together, not long ago, when he had just turned nineteen, he was so vibrant and thrilled to have found me.

He sensed me before we got together, and while I never rejected him, I skillfully avoided him because I was not ready. It had been years, but I was traveling for work and I wanted to be able to fully commit to my mate. I knew no one would take him, as I always had his older sister, Sofia, lecturing myself and other Alphas that her little brother was going to only commit to his true mate.

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